2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

Pork Addresses Key Industry Issues

Jamie Johansen

wpx-15-176-editedThis morning on day two of the 2015 World Pork Expo the National Pork Producers Council (NPPC) hosted another press conference to address three issues impacting pork producers, swine businesses and organizations and the consumer.

Dr. Howard Hill, NPPC past president, began the morning discussing the 2015 Dietary Guidelines that were released in February. He noted the committee did not use the established scientific library to reach a majority of its conclusions, including reducing the amount of red and processed meat recommended. He said NPPC is addressing this issue and is pushing for a revision of the guidelines. NPPC Presser - Dietary Guidelines

wpx-15-180-editedNext off was the topic of Mandatory Price Reporting update. Neil Dierks, NPPC president, explained the law is reauthorized every five years and will expire by September 30, 2015. NPPC says the real issue is to have the Mandatory Price Reporting law kept into effect so there is available price reporting and data available for producers and the industry. NPPC Presser - Mandatory Price Reporting

wpx-15-189-editedThe last topic of discussion this morning was Waters of the United States, or better known as WOTUS. John Weber, NPPC president-elect, said that as a producer, WOTUS has been top of mind as the rule was being developed. He, along with other producers, submitted comments. The purpose was to clarify the “waters” of the United States. As a producer, Weber said they did not accomplish this goal; rather, it is even more complicated. He believes that producers will be under jurisdiction by the EPA in areas that were not before. He noted that the EPA has stated there will be exemptions for agriculture, but remains concerned about the impact this rule will have on producers’ operations. NPPC Presser - WOTUS

Find photos from the event here: 2015 World Pork Expo Photo Album


Ag Groups, Audio, Food, NPPC, Pork, Swine, Water, World Pork Expo