RFA Ethanol Podcast

SPADE Digs into Data Sharing

Cindy Zimmerman

infoag14-deere-aggatewayMany booths at the recent InfoAg Conference sported this little sign: AgGateway – SPADE Participant.

aggateway-wilsonWe caught up with AgGateway Standards Director Jim Wilson at the John Deere booth to learn more about the SPADE project. “SPADE stands for Standardized Precision Ag Data Exchange,” Wilson explained. As a non-profit industry consortium, AgGateway is facilitating the project which will ultimately benefit growers by better integration of farm equipment with farm management information systems. “It’s about bringing, at this point, over 30 companies together to talk about their field operations processes, the data that flows to support those processes, what the data requirements are per message, and how those requirements map to existing standards or where we might need to create new standards.”

Among the SPADE project members are John Deere, Ag Leader and MapShots. Learn more about the project on the AgGateway website and in this interview with Jim: Interview with Jim Wilson, AgGateway

InfoAg 2014 Photo Album

Coverage of the InfoAg Conference is sponsored by
Coverage of the InfoAg Conference is sponsored by MapShotsCoverage of the InfoAg Conference is sponsored by John DeereCoverage of the InfoAg Conference is sponsored by Ag Leader Technology
Ag Leader, Agribusiness, Audio, Info Ag, John Deere, Precision Agriculture, Technology