2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

BASF and NAAA Support Operation S.A.F.E Again

Cindy Zimmerman

BASF and the National Agricultural Aviation Association (NAAA) are teaming up again for another year of Operation S.A.F.E. (Self-regulating Application and Flight Efficiency).

Through this partnership, BASF provides financial support for participating aerial applicators through sponsorship of fly-ins throughout the country. NAAA members also qualify for application equipment rebates as part of Operation S.A.F.E., which provides aerial applicators an opportunity to increase equipment performance, applicator knowledge and help ensure safety.

“We’ve had more than 1,250 aerial applicators participate in nearly 150 fly-ins throughout the country during the three years our Operation S.A.F.E. incentive program has been in effect,” said Tony Goede, Aerial Manager, BASF. “BASF continues this partnership with NAAA to help the aerial application industry continue to be safe, efficient and effective.”

Any operator or pilot can participate in an Operation S.A.F.E. fly-in clinic. Those who are NAAA members can take advantage of the BASF Equipment and NAAA Membership Rebate Program. NAAA member participants wishing to collect the rebate are required to partake in a calibration clinic, and subsequently complete the BASF and NAAA Operation S.A.F.E. Incentive Program application form. After completing these steps, the operator or pilot can be reimbursed for some of their 2012 membership dues or submit receipts to receive rebates for nozzles and/or tips purchased for their aircraft.

“BASF is steadfast in its commitment to help grow the ag aviation industry, as demonstrated by their generous support of NAAA once again,” said Andrew Moore, Executive Director of NAAA. “We’re grateful for their partnership and for making these incentives available to encourage the most effective, targeted application and increased safety.”

More information about Operation S.A.F.E., including dates of fly-ins as they are scheduled, is available on the NAAA website. Visit BASF’s plant-health-pilots.com for a variety of resources BASF provides aerial applicators, including an “Ask the Expert” section for your toughest aerial application questions.