2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

New Holland Commitment To Tier IV

Chuck Zimmerman

I have participated in a seminar on the new Tier IV engine requirements which go into effect this coming January and found myself very lost. I’m not that kind of engineer. To help understand it better I spoke with New Holland’s Sean Dorosz at the Farm Progress Show. Pictured is a New Holland T9 Series Tractor that will support the new technology.

“We don’t simply consider Tier IV as a legal requirement, but as a part of our fundamental role of agricultural machinery manufacturers which safeguards the farming environment for future generations,” says David Greenberg, Senior Director of Marketing, North America. “New Holland’s Clean Energy Leader position is based on fundamental elements for environmental respect that encompass not only Tier IV, but also biodiesel, the NH2TM hydrogen tractor and the Energy Independent Farm concept.”

As the Tier IVa regulations for products with engines over 174hp (130kW) go into effect in January 2011, New Holland will use selective catalytic reduction (SCR) technology for all machines producing over 100 hp. The advanced SCR engine solution was developed in partnership with Fiat Powertrain Technologies. SCR is a cool-running, quiet system that’s separate from the main engine function and does not compromise horsepower or torque. It does not interfere with engine performance but, in fact, actually improves it. The SCR after-treatment requires an easy-to-use additive.

You can listen to my interview with Sean here: Sean Dorosz Tier IV Interview

Agribusiness, Audio, Equipment, Farm Progress Show, New Holland, Tractor