2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

Focusing on Farm New Media

Chuck Zimmerman

My Blogging SessionI just finished doing Blogging 101 for the international ag media attending the Alltech Symposium.

Thanks to Liz Broomall, Alltech intern, for taking the photo. Ignore those empty chairs. The crowd was all around there and behind Liz.

I kind of rambled around on the subjects of blogging, podcasting, Twitter, YouTube and Flickr. I was also very surprised to be speaking to a group where no one raised their hand to say they have a blog or a podcast! Ag media, hello, it’s a new media world.

As it turns out we did have a couple people here like Ned Arthur with Truffle Media Networks and Emmy Koeleman, All About Feed, who are getting it.
Felix Sammartino
I collected everyone’s cards for a drawing and want to say congratulations to Ing. Agr. Felix Sammartino, Expoagro, who won an “I’ve Been Blogged by AgWired” t-shirt.

Now he can say that he really has been blogged.

I want to thank Alltech for the opportunity to talk about a subject I dearly love and that’s agriblogging and farm podcasting. There were some great follow questions which shows me that these folks are thinking about how their business is changing.

Alltech Symposium Photo Album

Alltech, Media, Podcasts