2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

Feeding a Growing Population

Chuck Zimmerman

Osler DesouzartThe third person on the debate team for the Alltech Greenest Generation debate was Osler Desouzart, President of OD Consulting, Brazil. He is no soft spoken, hold back his feelings kind of guy and I like that. He got asked about his thoughts on how to feed the growing population of the world.

My recorder ran out of batteries when the press conference started so I don’t have his answer to a question he was asked about the idea of people basically quitting their consumption of animals as a way to overcome the current concerns for enough grain, etc, yadda, yadda. He pretty much said that it was a “Stupid Idea.” Yeah. Economic vegetarianism? Who would even come up with such a thing?

You can listen to him answer the first question here: alltech-symposium-08-desouzart.mp3

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