RFA Ethanol Podcast

Holy Flaming Sanitizer Batman

Chuck Zimmerman

Poultry Expo Steve KochWhen you want to sanitize your poultry house there’s nothing quite like using a blow torch to get the job done. That’s basically what Flame Engineering’s Red Dragon Poultry House Sanitizer does using propane. It’s pulled through the house by tractor and was developed with the assistance of the Propane Research & Education Council. In fact, the company is partnering with PERC and the University of Missouri for research using the product.

I stopped and visited with Flame Engineering, Inc. Director of the Agriculture Division, Steve Koch. Steve talks about how the Sanitizer works and you can watch our interview here.

You can also just listen to my interview with Steve:


Propane-fueled poultry house sanitizers use 2,000-degree heat to kill harmful pathogens and reduce ammonia levels that accumulate in poultry houses. Unlike chemical disinfectants, bacteria, viruses, and fungi cannot build resistance to heat, and there is no residue or water contamination risk with propane flaming.

Agribusiness, Farm Shows, Poultry, Video