2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

Great Speakers at Farm Futures Management Summit

Chuck Zimmerman

Farm Futures Management SummitSince Farm Futures is going to do this Management Summit again next year you should really consider getting involved. I am not only impressed with the quality of the speakers gathered here but also the farmers in attendance. I’ve spoken with quite a few of them and these guys and gals are sharp. They want to figure out how to best manage their farm operation and are willing to spend the time it takes to attend conferences like this.

Speaking of speakers, look at this list: David Kohl (pictured leading an all-speaker session late yesterday), recently retired as professor of agricultural finance at Virginia Tech; Danny Klinefelter, professor and Extension economist at Texas A&M University; Mike Boehlje, professor of agricultural economics and an instructor in the Center for Agricultural Business programs at Purdue University; Jay Penick, president and CEO of Northwest Farm Credit Services; Dick Wittman, manages a 17,000-acre dryland crop, range cattle and timber operation in northern Idaho in partnership with three other family members; Bryce Knorr, senior editor of Farm Futures; Arlan Suderman, market analyst for Farm Futures; Kevin C. Dhuyvetter, professor and Extension agricultural economist in the Department of Agricultural Economics at Kansas State University. And of yeah there was Mike Adams, host of the nationally syndicated radio show “Agri-Talk.” How does he keep getting in posts on AgWired? Probably because we see each other all over the place.

What a group though. You may wonder why no interviews posted here. Well, these fine farmers paid a lot of money to attend this conference. If you want to know what the presenters had to say, then get yourself to the next one! How’s that for a pitch Willie?
