2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

In Case Your Customers And Competitor Have Figured Blogging Out And You Haven’t

Chuck Zimmerman

I’ve been meaning to alert you to the latest edition of BusinessWeek magazine since I subscribe to their alerts but it took a friendly email from a friend to remind me to get it done. There are a couple of articles on blogging that are worth looking at, especially if you still wonder if it has business applications.

Six Tips For Corporate Bloggers

Blogs Will Change Your Business

I saw real keen interest in blogging while attending the latest NAMA convention and hope it’ll be a seminar topic next year (hint to 2006 convention program committee!!).

I got a call today from the Midlands NAMA Chapter and agreed to make a May meeting presentation. It’s planned for May 17 at the Quarry Oaks golf course at 3pm. I hope you can attend.

If your NAMA chapter would like to have a presentation on Blogging 101 please contact me for scheduling!
