ZimmCast 734 – Interviews from FPS
I’ve lost count of how many Farm Progress Shows I have attended but it’s a lot. This year in Boone, IA we had great weather and that’s not always the case. But it was also an opportunity to see friends as well as clients. I was only on site for Tuesday and half of Wednesday but I recorded 26 interviews that you can find on AgNewsWire in our virtual newsroom for the event.
So, speaking of clients and the fact that we’re always interested in what’s new in the world of agribusiness I’m going to share interviews with several companies. They include: Scott Nelson, Make Hay; Thad England, Groundwork BioAg; Craig Dick, Phospholutions; Scott Trbovich, Taranis and Steve Nicholson, Rabo AgriFinance. They’ll go in that order.
We post the ZimmCast on AgWired as the official podcast. We also post stories using other interviews as we have time so keep your eye out for them too.
Listen to the episode here:
ZimmCast 734 - Interviews from FPS (35:13)
That’s the ZimmCast for this week. I hope you enjoyed it and thank you for listening.
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Industry Ag News 9/3
Syngenta Offers Better Yield as the Better Deal
Syngenta’s theme at the Farm Progress Show last week was Better Yield is the Better Deal, which technical development lead Dean Grossnickle explains is putting the right products on that acre to maximize yield, maximize performance and maximize that return on investment.
“So it all starts with that weed control platform, putting down a product that is going to the control the weeds and preserve yield,” said Grossnickle.”The biggest thing is trying to maximize that ROI with a good solid agronomic program and get with your agronomist because there’s no one-size-fits-all solution for every grower. Each grower is unique. Each acre is unique. So find the the best program that works for that farmer that grower in that situation.”
Grossnickle says even if it costs more, growers may want to consider using multiple complementary products, like a corn herbicide and a corn fungicide, for maximum yield protection.
FPS24 - Interview with Dean Grossnickle, Syngenta 3:37GHX 2.0 with Cropwise AI Offers Answers
At Farm Progress Show last week, Golden Harvest/GHX celebrated the launch of the GHX™ 2.0 app with new Cropwise™ AI, which gives users the ability to ask and get answers to the toughest product and agronomic questions while simplifying the way they manage data, according to Justin Welch, Syngenta Seeds, Head of Decision Ag.
“Two years ago we were here in Boone, Iowa and we launched GHX 1.0 and we’re back here now launching GHX 2.O,” said Welch. “The feedback we got over the last two years was would you tell us more about your products inside of the application. And so now we have a GPT address line where someone can ask anything about our products and it will tell you all about Golden Harvest directly inside the app.”
Learn more in this interview.
FPS24 - Interview with Justin Welch, Syngenta Seeds 2:58
Alliance Seeks to Control Weeds, Not Farming

L-R: Martha Smith, Bayer; farmer Dave Struthers; Ben Gleason, Iowa Agribusiness; and farmer Kevin Ross
Bayer sponsored a panel at Farm Progress Show to highlight the alliance and its purpose. Martha Smith, Bayer VP of Stakeholder Relations, says the alliance includes many state ag groups working on specific legislation in their areas. “There’s been legislation that has been filed in a few states, including here in Iowa and down South in Missouri and out West in Idaho. And the alliance has been supporting the efforts of those legislators to again protect farmers access to crop protection tools,” said Smith.
Iowa farmer Kevin Ross, former president of the National Corn Growers Association, says if farmers lose an important crop protection tool like glyphosate, the impact goes beyond the farm. “There are certainly other chemistries out there right now that people use to control weeds, but if you start taking away one, especially one that’s proven safe and one that again has been around 50 years, if we started reducing the amount of tools that a farmer needs, I think we have major problems ahead from a production standpoint,” said Ross. “That trickles down to industries and costs other consumers down into other economies as well.”
Others on the panel included Iowa farmer Dave Struthers, and Ben Gleason, executive director of the Iowa Agribusiness Association, one of the Alliance members. Listen to their discussion and interviews with Smith, Ross, and Gleason below.
Panel discussion – Martha Smith, Bayer; Kevin Ross, Iowa farmer; Ben Gleason, Iowa Agribusiness Assoc., Dave Struthers, Iowa farmer
FPS24 - Modern Ag Alliance panel 16:35
Interview with Martha Smith, Bayer
FPS24 - Modern Ag Alliance Martha Smith, Bayer 5:14
Interview with Ben Gleason, Iowa Agribusiness Assoc.
FPS24 - Modern Ag Alliance Ben Gleason, Iowa Agribusiness 6:19
Interview with Kevin Ross, Iowa farmers
FPS24 - Modern Ag Alliance Kevin Ross, farmer 5:44
Future is Bright for Syngenta Seeds
The head of North America Seeds for Syngenta is pleased with the latest innovations in their brand offerings and looking forward to future advancements.
“We’re really looking forward to 2025 and 2026 being a really innovative year set of years for Syngenta,” said Erik Boeck during an interview at Farm Progress Show this week. “We introduced a new worm stack in the marketplace to control worms. And if you’re in the northern corn belt, you know those little green bugs can be a real pain in the butt. And we’re launching new seed care products. So the future’s bright.”
Syngenta brands GHX, Golden Harvest, NK, Duracade Viptera, and Enogen all had something new to talk about with farmers at the show this week. You can find interviews with many of their representatives here in the FPS virtual newsroom.
FPS24 - Interview with Eric Boeck, Syngenta Seeds 6:28Precision Ag News 8/28
Syngenta Excited For New SCN Seed Treatment
At Farm Progress Show this week, Syngenta was promoting its highly anticipated seed treatment for soybeans and cotton using TYMIRIUM® technology, called Victrato.
With approval by EPA for registration anticipated by the 2025 growing season, the new seed treatment will introduce targeted technology to stop nematodes, Sudden Death Syndrome, and Cotton Root Rot without harming beneficial organisms.
“Its wheelhouse is really in these heavy pressure situations. Where we have heavy nematode pressure and also heavy SCS because of the potency of the molecule,” said Katie Jaeger, Syngenta Seedcare product lead. “It’s bringing a highest level of intrinsic activity that we’ve seen before. When facing these type of past early season and so it’ll with that bring a new level of protection to our customer base.”
FPS24 - Interview with Katie Jaeger, Syngenta 3:37Jaeger moderated a panel on the new chemistry at the show, which included ISU nematologist Dr. Greg Tylka, Syngenta research scienties Jeff Simmons, and Syngenta Seedcare technical product lead Dale Ireland.
“Victrato will protect against adults, juveniles, and eggs from multiple nematode species, including Soybean Cyst, root-knot, reniform, lance, and lesion,” said Ireland. “The high intrinsic activity will also help defend against Fusarium virguliforme, the causal organism of SDS, while providing early-season suppression of foliar diseases, such as frogeye leaf spot, target spot, and Septoria brown spot.”
FPS24 - Syngenta VIP presentation 32:33Day 2 of the 2024 Farm Progress Show
We got a beautiful sunrise this morning of day two of the Farm Progress Show. The temperature is cool and it’s just a great start for the day.
Yesterday I think I did almost 20 interviews and a lot of photos. This morning I’ll add close to 10 more before I head home to ZimmComm World Headquarters. Let’s hope for on time flights!
All content will be published in a virtual ag newsroom on AgNewsWire.com and we’ll also be posting interviews here on AgWired over the next week. Hope you like what you see and here.