Bob Says Hit The Ground Running

Chuck Zimmerman

Renewable Fuels AssociationMonte Shaw’s replacement has been announced by the Renewable Fuels Association. We hope to meet him on the road somewhere soon.

The Renewable Fuels Association (RFA) is pleased to announce that Matt Hartwig has been hired as Communications Director. Matt will be taking over for Monte Shaw, who has served the RFA in that role for the past five and a half years.

RFA President Bob Dinneen stated: “The U.S. ethanol industry is growing at an unprecedented rate and the issues the industry faces every day demand a broad understanding of a number of complex topics. But with his agriculture and consumer advocacy background, Matt will be able to hit the ground running.

Ag Groups

Jahnke’s Should Start A “Famous Bucks”

Chuck Zimmerman

Farm Broadcasters?You’ll have to ask Pam what that means. It’s been a busy day at World Dairy Expo. Made somewhat harder after spending an evening with this crew (farm broadcasters) at Pam Jahnke’s house in Madison. She’s the fabulous farm babe of Wisconsin. Buck made great ribs and mine hurt from laughing so hard at all the jokes.

If you haven’t checked out World Dairy Diary yet there’s a lot there and plenty more to come since the show doesn’t officially end until tomorrow evening.

This is the first time a farm show has been “blogged.” I’m looking forward to your thoughts on it. What do you think of the idea? How does it look?

Farm Shows, World Dairy Expo

New Chicken Officers

Chuck Zimmerman

National Chicken CouncilThe National Chicken Council has some new officers as of yesterday when they were installed in Washington, DC. I learned on their website that last month was national chicken month. I think I did my part even though I wasn’t aware of it.

Don Jackson, president of the poultry division of Foster Farms, Livingston, California, was installed today as Chairman of the National Chicken Council, the trade association for the chicken production and processing industry. Mark Hickman, president and chief executive officer of Peco Foods, Inc., Tuscaloosa, Alabama, took office as Vice Chairman, and Mike Welch, president and chief executive officer of Harrison Poultry, Bethlehem, Georgia, became Secretary-Treasurer.

The new officers were installed during the NCC Annual Conference held in the Washington, D.C., area attended by members of the industry from across the country. Officers serve one-year terms.

The National Chicken Council represents integrated chicken producer-processors, the companies that produce, process and market chickens. Member companies of NCC account for approximately 95 percent of the chicken sold in the United States.

Ag Groups

Sampling The Finer Things In Life At Expo

Chuck Zimmerman

Cheese ChefIt’s time to leave World Dairy Expo for the day so I had to give you at least a taste of what’s going on here and a sample of what you’ll find on World Dairy Diary! Thanks to the Wisconsin Milk Marketing Board the media got some treats today.

Here’s Cheese Chef John Esser with an array of cheese dishes and cheeses for us to sample. I really liked, well, all of them. I asked him if you can eat too much cheese in one week.

You can hear his answer in my interview with him here: Download MP3 File (2.5MB MP3 File)

BTW. I highly recommend contacting the WMMB to see if you can rent this guy out for your function!!!!

Ag Groups, Farm Shows, World Dairy Expo

About America’s Heartland Premier

Chuck Zimmerman

American Farm Bureau FederationI’ve been meaning to post something about America’s Heartland but just never seem to have a good opportunity. However, American Farm Bureau sent out a release about their celebration of the premier of the show. They, along with Monsanto, are the 2 main sponsors.

The recent premiere of America’s Heartland, a new national public television series on American agriculture, was celebrated Wednesday at a screening and reception at the American Farm Bureau Federation headquarters. AFBF and Monsanto are providing major sponsorship of the weekly series, which is shot on location on farms and ranches across the country and will consist of 20 half-hour original programs during the first season. Public television station KVIE of Sacramento produces the series.

“To all of us involved in the miracle of American agriculture, the new America’s Heartland public television series represents a precious opportunity,” said AFBF President Bob Stallman. “America’s Heartland is about our love for the land, our dedication to the production of food and fiber and our focus on the fundamental American values of family, hard work and independence,” said Stallman.

You can visit this link to see if there’s a station carrying it in your area.

Ag Groups

Registration For BASF’s Regent TS

Chuck Zimmerman

Regent TSThere are a whole lot of announcements coming out on new products. Maybe it’s just that time of year but there’s more than I can remember in quite some time. Take the latest from BASF. They just received registration for Regent TS, a corn seed treatment for key pests.

With the registration of Regent® TS insecticide, a new corn seed treatment with the active ingredient fipronil, corn growers in the United States
have access to an important new tool to protect their crops from key insect pests. Regent TS controls wireworm, seed corn maggot and grape colaspis and suppresses grubs, flea beetles and thrips. “Protecting the seed and young plants from pests is increasingly important to today’s corn grower,” says Roy Lee Carter, Seed Treatment Business Manager with BASF.


Beef Operating Committee Report

Chuck Zimmerman

MBIC Report PodcastThis week’s MBIC report from the Missouri Beef Industy Council is with Chairman David Dick of Sedalia, who recently returned from Rapid City, South Dakota where he took part in the work of a 20-member joint committee helping to shape the beef checkoff plan of work on the national level for fiscal year 2006.

You can listen to this week’s MBIC Report here: Download MP3 File

The MBIC Report is an AgWired podcast which you can subscribe to using the link in our sidebar or on the newly designed MBIC website.

Ag Groups, Audio, Beef, Podcasts

Herculex RW Receives Regulatory Approvals

Chuck Zimmerman

Pioneer Hi-BredIt’s a busy week for news releases, especially Talking News Releases. Yesterday afternoon Pioneer Hi-Bred was able to announce in conjunction with Dow AgroSciences that they’ve received U. S. regulatory approvals for the Herculex RW rootworm protection trait in 2006.

Herculex RWCorn growers who have been fighting corn rootworms can now protect their corn with the Herculex® RW Rootworm Protection trait in 2006.

Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., and Dow AgroSciences LLC, the trait’s developers, recently received confirmation that Herculex RW has received full food and feed approvals within the United States. Kyle Whitaker, New Product Launch Manager for Pioneer Hi-Bred, says Herculex RW will give corn growers expanded options for in-the-seed protection against corn rootworm. Full Release

Agribusiness, Audio

First Cotton Seed Treatment For Nematicides

Chuck Zimmerman

SyngentaCotton growers got some good news from Syngenta today. To announce it they used our Talking News Release service.

First Seed Treatment Nematicide For Cotton Now Available For Purchase
For the first time ever, cotton growers will be able to use a convenient and innovative option to control nematodes, insects and diseases. AVICTA™ Complete Pak, a groundbreaking seed-delivered technology to combat all early-season cotton pests, is now available for the 2006 planting season. A combination of three separately registered products: AVICTA seed treatment nematicide, Cruiser® seed treatment insecticide and Dynasty CST® seed-delivered fungicide, AVICTA Complete Pak offers cotton growers complete early-season protection to ensure better root development and, in turn, a more vigorous crop with improved return on investment.
Full Release

Agribusiness, Audio

Learn How To Podcast In California

Chuck Zimmerman

Portable Media & Podcast ExpoThis is just not being scheduled at a good time for me. Why don’t people call and check my schedule first? Anyway, I’d love to go since the Portable Media Expo & Podcast Conference is all about what we’re all about here at ZimmComm. I know we’re all about agricultural marketing but that includes embracing new ways to distribute information.

Take blogging itself as an example. A year ago most of you (me included) didn’t really know much about this. Look at what’s happening today, even in ag!
