ZimmComm Blog Sponsors Announced

Chuck Zimmerman

Accelerated GeneticsWe’re going to send out a news release on this but I’m too excited to wait. As some of you may have noticed earlier this week on AgWired, we have new sponsors coming on board World Dairy Diary. Accelerated Genetics is one of those brave companies that sees what we’re doing as a new way to communicate. Thank you Angie!

The Callicrate BanderAnother one is The Callicrate Bander from No-Bull Enterprises. These folks were one of the charter sponsoring companies on World Dairy Diary and they’ve decided to stay on board here in the new year. Thank you Rachel!

We’ve got room for more and there will be more. In fact, in my discussions we’ve been asked about sponsoring all our properties. By properties I mean our blogs. I actually am finding it hard to believe that we own “properties.” Back in my days in traditional media properties meant radio networks, especially sports radio networks, as in “sports properties.” Now all I’ve got is these little old blogs. You can’t argue with traffic and results though can you? It’s new media time.

Wanna sponsor the most exciting thing happening in agricultural communications? Click here.

Agribusiness, Internet