AgWired Gets Media Creds Again

Chuck Zimmerman

How many of you would consider AgWired a “legitimate” media outlet? Are we providing information? Is it news? Does that make me a reporter?

I ask because you may be surprised how often I have to re-apply for media credentials after being turned down. A company that I won’t name just turned me down, saying that I didn’t fit their definition of true media. I was invited to appeal and make a case that I am “legitimate.” I’m happy to report that they have agreed to allow AgWired “in.” Here’s part of the message I just got “Thank you for the additional information. You now have Media access . . .”

Ha Ha Ha . . . I have to laugh. I love this.

Actually, in all fairness, I’m sure they hesitate because of the way they’ve been treated by some of the irresponsible bloggers out there. Here at AgWired I’m not out to flame and embarrass anyone. My goal is to inform, entertain and challenge you to look at what you’re doing in a new way. I hope I’m successful at that.

You be the judge. In the meantime, I’m going to seek access wherever I need it in order to bring you the latest and most interesting news and information about the business of agrimarketing.


The Strike It Rich Promotion

Chuck Zimmerman

Syngenta 33 ChancesI know the picture is kind of small but Syngenta is running a”33 Chances To Strike It Rich” promotion. The farmer in the picture is standing in a field and good old greenbacks are falling from the sky. Who wouldn’t want it to rain like that?

It’s a related promotion and all a farmer has to do is fill out a short survey to be entered. Winnings will include:

One Grand Prize ― $2,500
Two First Prizes ― $500
Thirty Second Prizes ― $50


Florida Citrus May Get New Symbol

Chuck Zimmerman

Forida Orange JuiceThe Florida Department of Citrus will be forming a committee to come up with a new symbol that will help consumers know if they’re getting the “real” Florida product or not.

I’m really not sure what the current one is. After looking at their website I guess it’s the Pure & Simple picture. I still like the old Florida citrus tree with the state outline. In fact, I can still hear Anita Bryant singing the Fresh From The Florida Sunshine Tree jingle. Let’s bring ‘er back I say. I met Anita once at a Department of Citrus function and thought she was a very friendly person who couldn’t have been a bigger supporter of Florida citrus.

Ag Groups

Christmas Rib Roast Time

Chuck Zimmerman

MBIC Report PodcastThe Missouri Beef Industry Council’s weekly MBIC Report this week is with executive director, Steve Taylor.

After interviewing Steve for this week’s MBIC Report I went out and bought a roast to cook for Christmas. Steve quotes some interesting information about how many rib roasts are purchased for this holiday.

You can listen to this week’s MBIC Report here: Download MP3 File

The MBIC Report is an AgWired podcast which you can subscribe to using the link you’ll find on our “Blogs & Podcasts” page or on the MBIC website.

Ag Groups, Audio, Beef, Podcasts

Missouri Corn Scholarships Available

Chuck Zimmerman

CornTalk podcastCornTalk is the week’y interview program of the Missouri Corn Growers Association. This week MCGA’s Becky Grisham talks about the Missouri Corn Scholarship program. High school and college students may apply for 6 scholarships which will be awarded in 2006. She says the application forms are available on their website.

You can listen to this week’s CornTalk here: Download MP3 File

CornTalk is a weekly AgWired podcast which you can subscribe to using the link you’ll find on our “Blogs & Podcasts” page.

Ag Groups, Audio, Corn, Podcasts

Gateway NAMA Blogging Workshop

Chuck Zimmerman

If you’d like to know more about the blogging and podcasting business then come to St. Louis on January 10 and attend the Gateway NAMA lunch meeting and my workshop that follows the meeting. You’re invited even if you’re not a member although we would appreciate your rsvp. I’ll show you the basics of blogging, podcasting and rss and discuss why these should be part of your marketing vocabulary.

Here’s the details:

Date: Tuesday, January 10, 2006
Time: 11:30 a.m. reception; 12:00 p.m. lunch & program; 1:30-2:30 – Blogging Workshop
Cost: $20 per person – no charge for workshop
Location: Sheraton Westport Plaza
Register: Reserve your spot for the lunch and/or workshop by e-mailing or calling 636/449-5040 by January 6.

The lunch program is “How the internet is changing how the agricultural industry does business,” presented by Kip Pendleton, President of Agristar Global Networks.

NAMA, Podcasts

O&B Adds 4 More

Chuck Zimmerman

Christine NielandBusiness continues to be very, very good at Osborn & Barr as we have 4 new staff members to introduce you to. First we have Christine Nieland who will be “associate director of contact relations. Christine manages specific elements of the United Soybean Board business and leads the Farm Credit Services of Missouri account, developing strategic communications programs and public relations initiatives, as well as lending leadership to database and e-based initiatives.”

Jennifer AnthonyNext we have Jennifer Anthony who is “also working on the USB account as account executive. In her new role at Osborn & Barr, Jennifer is managing the internal communications for the board and providing support to international marketing efforts on behalf of U.S. soybean farmers. With her strong background in farmer organizations and unique understanding of membership-driven groups, Jennifer is also providing expertise to QUALISOY, a new soybean industry coalition.”

Debra ValloniAnd we have Debra Valloni who is “financial manager for the growing contact relations, federal government and Canadian accounts. Debra manages billing, accounts payable/receivable and client reporting.”

And as if that’s not enough staff additions O&B has also hired Mary Czarnecki as a personnel recruiter. I assume this means I’ll have more of these posts to do in the near future!


Jerry Sinift Interim GM For World Ag Expo

Chuck Zimmerman

Jerry SiniftWorld Ag Expo has an interim general manager to replace Gary Schulz. He’s Jerry Sinift and he’s got a lot of experience at the show as his resume attests to.

Sinift, who was an exhibitor at World Ag Expo for over 20 years, served as chairman of the World Ag Expo Exhibitor Advisory Committee from 1995 – 2000. For the past five years, he has been part of the Agri-Center staff, ably fulfilling the double duties of assistant general manager and facilities director. He continues to work arm-in-arm with 2006 World Ag Expo chairman, Erin Ferguson, putting the finishing touches on the annual ag trade show, the largest of its kind on the globe.

Farm Shows

D&PL 10 Year On NYSE

Chuck Zimmerman

D&PL NYSE 10YearD&PL rang the closing bell at the New York Stock Exchange Monday for their 10 year anniversary. I wonder if they all had to ride bikes to get there with the transit strike that’s going on.

Among the people present for the bell ringing were several members of the board of directors (Tom Jagodinski, Murray Robinson, Nam Hai Chua, Stanley Roth and Joe Murphy) and D&PL employees Rick Greene, Rhonda Strickland and Dorothy Andrus.

“The past decade has been a time of innovation for D&PL and the farmers who plant our varieties,” Jag said. “We have brought our customers new breakthroughs in genetics and technology by having a vision and working hard to realize that. Farmers are, by nature, independent people. They appreciate the entrepreneurship D&PL offers and the fact that we can partner with several suppliers. Those are some of the reasons they’ve chosen to invest their money in our products and stock – we are proud that they have chosen to invest their money [of that investment] in our plan for growth.”
