Is Email Spam Increasing or Decreasing

Chuck Zimmerman

I’m curious if you’d agree with the FTC that email spam is levelling off or actually declining. I saw this story a few days ago right after I’d received about 5 emailed viruses (Norton Internet Security took care of them) and another 20+ pure unadulterated spam emails. It seems to me like the level has been increasing the last month.

I don’t use spam filters because they can’t really tell the difference between good and bad email. They also make it very difficult for people who are trying to send legitimate email messages (like our service). This is why I embrace RSS and hope we’ll see improvements in it over this coming year.

So, feel free to comment. Is the FTC keeping us safer from spam or are they just confused?


Beef, It’s What’s For Christmas

Chuck Zimmerman

Cranberry Balsamic RoastWell I won’t win any prizes for presentation but I didn’t think to take a picture until after it was already on the plate. This is my Christmas day “Beef Tenderloin with Easy Cranberry Balsamic Sauce.” Actually it isn’t tenderloin. I used a round roast but everything else is according to the recipe.

It was only one of the menu items for a great dinner at the Puyear’s. I will definitely be working out today at the “Y.” My kids looked at my beef presentation and were offended that I’d already put sauce on the sliced beef. Then they tasted it. I noticed that they put beef on their plate and asked if there was some extra sauce!

I hope you had a wonderful weekend.


Merry Christmas From ZimmComm

Chuck Zimmerman

The Nativity SceneWell it’s time to quit for the weekend and I promise not to post again until Monday. It’s time to celebrate Christmas and here at ZimmComm we’re not ashamed to say it. There’s a reason we call it Christmas and He’s the reason for the season. This is our little Nativity scene which reminds us of why we have so much to be thankful for and so much hope for the future.

During the next week we’ll take a look back at this year. It’s been an interesting one in a lot of ways. In the meantime all I can say is that we’ve been blessed with a lot of good friends and colleagues. Thank you, each and every one and Merry Christmas from ZimmComm.


Wenzel Is A Farm Journal Editor

Chuck Zimmerman

Wayne WenzelHere’s the early word on a new Farm Journal Media editor.

Wayne Wenzel, an award-winning agricultural journalist, has been named Seeds and Technology Editor of FARM JOURNAL magazine. In this position, he will report about the dramatic developments unfolding in seed, machinery and other production technologies.

Wenzel will be based in Burnsville, MN. He assumes his new position on Jan. 23.


New Egg Board Members

Chuck Zimmerman

American Egg BoardSome new people will be promoting eggs after U. S. Secretary of Abriculture, Mike Johanns announces his appointments to the American Egg Board. New ones include:

South Central states – Vincent J. Reina, Sr., Boling, Texas, member.
Western states -Craig A. Willardson, Yorba Linda, Calif., member; Clint L. Hickman, Goodyear, Ariz., alternate; Jeff M. Prola, Ripon, Calif., alternate.

Returning are:

North Atlantic states – Kurt H. Kreher, Clarence, N.Y., member; Jerry Kil, Ledyard, Conn., alternate.
South Atlantic states – Jacques Klempf, Jacksonville, Fla., member; Richard L. Simpson, Monroe, N.C., member; James H. Brock, Braselton, Ga., alternate; Robert B. Pike, Nashville, N.C., alternate.
East North Central states – Gregory S. Herbruck, Ada, Mich., member; Joseph J. Maust, Pigeon, Mich., alternate.
West North Central states – Beth S. Schnell, Corcoran, Minn., member; David E. Thompson, Pearl City, Ill., alternate.
South Central states – V. Wayne Mooney, Garland, Texas, member; Dolph B. Baker, Jackson, Miss., alternate; Monty K. Henderson, Fayetteville, Ark., alternate.
Western states – Arnold J. Riebli, Sonoma, Calif., member.

Ag Groups, USDA

The Vice President And His iPod

Chuck Zimmerman

I just have to laugh about this story and share it with you. First it was “W” and his iPod, now it’s our VP Dick Cheney and his iPod. I just saw this story on C/Net from ABC News. Apparently some reporters on Air Force Two weren’t happy that the Veep’s iPod was charging in the power outlet they needed. Guess who’s plane it is!

I can also see links to stories about what W’s iPod music selection reveals about him. Come on folks. Get a life. You listen to what you want and I’ll listen to what I want. In fact I’m listening to Marshall Tucker right now on my Dell DJ. Are you okay with that? What does that say about me?


Charles Being Bred for Candymakers, Brewmasters—and More

Chuck Zimmerman

BeerHere’s a story I can relate to.

Scrumptious chocolate-malt truffles, perfect for a holiday indulgence, might soon be made with malt from a superb new barley. So might your favorite breakfast cereal or brew, according to plant geneticist Donald E. Obert, a barley and oat breeder with the Agricultural Research Service (ARS). The novel barley, named “Charles,” is the result of more than a decade of testing by Obert and others at the ARS Small Grains and Potato Research Unit in Aberdeen, Idaho.

Let’s root for “Charles” since:

. . . a major U.S. brewery is leading rigorous tests to determine if the barley meets the exacting standards of the American Malting Barley Association, a feat no U.S.-grown winter malting barley has yet achieved. Results are expected by late 2006.


Rib Roast Sales Spike At Christmas

Chuck Zimmerman

Salt Crusted Beef Ribeye RoastJust in time for the holidays we’ve got a news release from the Missouri Beef Industry Council that’s sure to get you drooling. The picture is a Salt Crusted Beef Ribey Roast. You can find the recipe on their website.

Like the rare Who-Roast Beast in “How the Grinch Stole Christmas,” roast beef is a big part of the Christmas dinner celebration for Americans. Most of the year sales of beef rib and loin roasts average about four million pounds a month. But, in just the week before Christmas, sales are triple that monthly average, at about 12 million pounds.

Missouri Beef Industry Council Executive Director Steve Taylor says the surprising findings were revealed in a 2004 retail market survey done for the Cattlemen’s Beef Board by Freshlook Marketing. “I was totally shocked to find out that about a third of all the rib and ribeye roasts that people buy during the whole year are purchased during that one week, right before Christmas.” (Full Release)

You can also check out a great holiday recipe on their site for Beef Tenderloin With Easy Cranberry Balsamic Sauce. I’m going to try this one.

Audio, Beef

Brownfield Special & International

Chuck Zimmerman

Brownfield NetworkI’ve got a couple of Brownfield Network announcements. Lane just keeps cranking them out.

The last twelve months have been filled with much growth and change in agriculture. In recognition of the challenges and accomplishments of American farmers throughout the past year, Brownfield will offer a special hour-long program, “Agriculture In 2005″, a review of the top agricultural news stories and events. Hosted by Brownfield’s Tom Steever, the program will be available to network affiliates and as a podcast beginning December 30 on the network’s website. The program can be heard by visiting the site,, under the “In the Spotlight” section, starting on Thursday, December 29.

It says the program will be a podcast. (Only if I can subscribe to it). It’s nice to see the farm podcast field continuing to grow.

Brownfield’s Gary Truitt will be one of 30 Indiana agricultural and agribusiness leaders to travel to Central America with Lt. Governor Becky Skillman and Congressman Dan Burton. The purpose of the six-day trade mission to Guatemala, Costa Rica and Panama is to create new business opportunities for Indiana’s food and agricultural industry.

Truitt will be reporting news from his travels and making posts to the Brownfield Blog while on his trip to Central America. The group will travel to the Central American region January 8-13, spending one or two days in each country.

Wow Gary. Send me some photos too and I’ll post ’em. How about a cool one for a Zimmage?


AgWired Gets Media Creds Again

Chuck Zimmerman

How many of you would consider AgWired a “legitimate” media outlet? Are we providing information? Is it news? Does that make me a reporter?

I ask because you may be surprised how often I have to re-apply for media credentials after being turned down. A company that I won’t name just turned me down, saying that I didn’t fit their definition of true media. I was invited to appeal and make a case that I am “legitimate.” I’m happy to report that they have agreed to allow AgWired “in.” Here’s part of the message I just got “Thank you for the additional information. You now have Media access . . .”

Ha Ha Ha . . . I have to laugh. I love this.

Actually, in all fairness, I’m sure they hesitate because of the way they’ve been treated by some of the irresponsible bloggers out there. Here at AgWired I’m not out to flame and embarrass anyone. My goal is to inform, entertain and challenge you to look at what you’re doing in a new way. I hope I’m successful at that.

You be the judge. In the meantime, I’m going to seek access wherever I need it in order to bring you the latest and most interesting news and information about the business of agrimarketing.
