Enjoy The Michael Peterson Performance

Chuck Zimmerman

Commodity Classic 35One of the stars performing here at Commodity Classic is Michael Peterson. He was onstage this morning and gave a moving talk and played some songs. In fact, he wrote a song just for corn and soybean growers (and all farmers) and debuted it here. He played a song from his new CD, which is currently available from New Holland dealers.

You can listen to Michael’s stage performance right here: Listen To MP3 File Michael Peterson Performance (26:35 MP3 File)

New HollandAgWired coverage of Commodity Classic is being made posssible by our good friends at New Holland.

Audio, Commodity Classic

Biodiesel and Ethanol are the Future

Chuck Zimmerman

Margy and Biodiesel TruckMary Irelan Here I am at the Trade show next to a Black Chevy Truck powered by Biodiesel. It is so important that we continue effort to make our cars more and more environmentally friendly. Not only that but it is necessary to create a larger market for our corn and soybeans. It is amazing the support that the ethanol and biodiesel industry has and it is definitely being shown here at the commodity classic. We mentioned earlier the Indy Car brought here by EPIC. I’m off now to head down to the trade show again. There is so much to see and do it definitely takes at least two days to cover it all.

Commodity Classic

Secretary of Agriculture Reflects on The Past Year

Chuck Zimmerman

Mary Irelan Here is another update on what is going on at the General Session here at Commodity Classic. Secretary of Agriculture Mike Johanns just spoke on his past year in office. He started off his speech by commenting that he was nervous about speaking to this audience so he asked his wife what he should do. She said “Mike, don’t try to be sophisticated or charming….just be yourself.”

Commodity Classic 33Secretary Johanns emphasized the importance of continuing to find markets for corn and soybeans. He mentioned the free trade agreement between the United States and the Columbia that will give more opportunities for corn and soybean farmers to market their crop.

He noted that farm net income has increased $90 billion a year over the past three years. 27% of U.S. cash receipts come from trade. 1in 3 acres of U.S. land is planted for the export market. Because we are so productive we must look to the future. U.S. Ag activity is outpacing consumption. Population and consumption grows 1% a year.

Secretary Johanns also talked extensively on the upcoming Farmbill. He mentioned the 52 listening sessions that he held to hear from farmers on what they think.

“We need to live by the rules that we expect everyone else to live by.” Johanns commented.

One of the most important issues was the need for the United States to use their own natural resources, such as corn and soybeans for fuel. Johanns predicted that Ethanol will make up 22% of the corn production in 2010. Lets hope he’s right.

Chuck recorded the speech this morning and has most of it available here for you to listen to: Listen To MP3 File Johanns Speech (21:59 MP3 File)

A message from Dr. Jay Lehr followed Secretary Johanns and a performance by Michael Peterson finished up the show. Peterson noted that he has started a new youth program and that the FFA are working with New Holland to sell his CD as a fundraiser at the tradeshow downstairs.

Commodity Classic

General Session at Commodity Classic

Chuck Zimmerman

Margy FischerThe presidents of ASA and NCGA joined emcee John Phipps on stage and discussed the current status and the future of their respective commodities. They sat in a conversational setting with three leather chairs for a casual-setting discussion.

Phipps asked these men questions about the challenges and opportunities that have arisen in their industries in this last year. Bob Metz, president of ASA, noted the USDA went beyond expectations in regards to soybean rust. Gerald Tumbleson, NCGA president, said ethanol has been in the works for so many years that when consumption and consumer acceptance rose to such a high level as it is today, it was unexpected but fully welcomed.

They both commented on the immense opportunity growers have today. Renewable fuels gives future generations exciting and new ideas to bring to their farms. And both of their farm families take pride in their innovations. As Metz said, “The next generation will always do a better job than the previous.”

Okay, Agriculture Secretary Johanns just entered to a standing ovation, so I will take to switch back to taking notes…

Commodity Classic

Soybeans, Soybeans, Soybeans

Chuck Zimmerman

Mary IrelanHappy Friday! This morning Monsanto held a press conference to discuss soybean production in the United States. I had the chance to videotape the announcement this morning. They introduced their new product line VISTIVE™. VISTIVE is a brand name for Monsanto’s line of soybean oils that help reduce and/or eliminate trans fatty acids (trans fats). The first product, VISTIVE low-linolenic soybeans, was launched in 2005. This year, nearly 500,000 acres will be planted in multiple areas throughout the Midwest. Processors are currently paying farmers a premium of $0.25 to $0.45 a bushel for VISTIVE soybeans. Mary Taping Press Conference

U.S. farmers will be given preferred access to produce several soybean products that will result in new market prospects for soybean oil. This includes soy crops that can deliver vegetable oils enriched with omega-3 fatty acids. Omega-3 fatty acids have been found to lower cholesterol and reduce blood pressure.

Monsanto’s second part of their announcement involved risk management for their customers. They are offering an incentive of $15 per bag in the event of soybean crop failure for those farmers who purchase Roundup Ready soybean seed, plant it in a double crop system and use Roundup herbicides. This will be tested this year in Arkansas, Missouri, and North Carolina. This is due the amount of double crop soybean acreage and the geographical range of these states.

Finally, Monsanto plans on strategic planning for the future of soybean production. They will support and provide resources for a comprehensive study looking at what the future holds for the soybean industry in the year 2020. It is called Soy 2020 and is coordinated by the United Soybean Board. This study will look at current trends, economic, political and competitive factors that will shape the next 15 years. It will also look at the ways the industry can meet the demands of customers overseas as well as other market segments such as animal agriculture, biodiesel and food manufacturing.

For more information on Monsanto, click on Monsanto.

Commodity Classic

Adventures at the Trade Show

Chuck Zimmerman

Margy FischerYesterday was the grand opening of this year’s trade show here at the Commodity Classic. There was a lot to discover on the trade show floor, and Mary and I were not shy to test some of the interactive components of the displays.Margy and Remote Control Car

At our first stop, we were pulled in by the energetic team at the Golden Harvest booth to take part in a remote control car race. Mary won the race. Mary won the race big time. I was completely unable to make the remote control car go forward much less make it go around a small track. Let’s just say I lacked the motor skills.

Next, we were the first to try out the Whac-A-Worm game sponsored by Yield Guard Plus at the Monsanto booth. Thank goodness that we tied. Otherwise, I would have been zero for two in our impromptu trade show game competition.Watch WMV File Margy Plays Wack-a-worm (:21 wmv file)Watch WMV File Mary Plays Wack-a-worm (:31 wmv file)

Then it was off to the race track again, except this time I climbed into the copy of the ethanol-powered Indy car and was more successful. Watch WMV File Margy In the IndyCar Simulator (:22 wmv file) In fact, I got the high ranking of the day finishing fourth out of 26. As the driver, I played a video game that was connected to an X-box. I hit the wall almost every time around the turns, but my secret to success was flooring the gas pedal the entire time.

And our last stop before getting ready for dinner was at the John Deere booth, where Mary (who bleeds John Deere green), played Combine Combat. She harvested $59,000 worth of corn in the minute-long game. Test your harvesting skills at this direct link on Agriculture.com

Commodity Classic

Impromptu Guess Whose Boots Contest

Chuck Zimmerman

Commodity Classic 28It’s not often that you see boots like these. But then they’re being worn by a very unique and wonderful person who brightens any room she walks into. Your job is to guess who.

In fact, the first person to post a comment and get it rightwill win a prize. We haven’t decided what the prize is yet but it will be worth the while of the person who gets it correct.

So come on. You know her. Everybody does. She always has the coolest shoes and boots. Let’s get those entries/guesses posted.

Commodity Classic

Big Yields and Fast Cars

Chuck Zimmerman

Margy FischerThe Marconi Museum hosted the yield winners of the NCGA 2005 yield contest representing Dekalb and Asgrow.

Singer Gary Morris performed before the awards portion of the evening, and he did an amazing job. It was a night of an unexpected flashback as Morris played “Wind Beneath My Wings,” which was the song my sixth class sang at our graduation. Yes, I am young, but that was quite a few years ago.

Margy and JaguarFarmers yielding impressive amounts such as 306 bushels/acre as the Mez-Farm in Bagley, Wisconsin did were surrounded by cars worth up to one million dollars.

I’m not really touching this million-dollar 1999 Jaguar Roadster Concept car. It was at the Marconi on loan, and goodness, it was a great looking car.

It was a night of celebration, a night of pride in hard work, and a night focusing on the promise of the future of agriculture and what high yields can mean toward renewable energies and the commodity markets. The 31 states that represented the winners in this contest, indicate the strong national production that U.S. farmers can be very proud of.

Commodity Classic

NAWG Joins Commodity Classic In 2007

Chuck Zimmerman

Commodity Classic 19One of the announcements made today was that next year’s Commodity Classic will include the National Association of Wheat Growers. So we’ll have a tri-commodity shindig in Tampa.

Here to talk about it is the President of the NAWG, Dale Schuler, a grower from Montana. Dale thinks that joining up with the corn and soybean growers just makes sense since so many farm all three commodities and this allows NAWG to interact with even more potential members in the future.

You can listen to my interview with Dale here: Listen To MP3 File Schuler Interview (4:06 MP3 File)

New HollandAgWired coverage of Commodity Classic is being made posssible by our good friends at New Holland.

Audio, Commodity Classic

Nothing Mickey Mouse About 220MPH

Chuck Zimmerman

Commodity Classic 21The Ethanol Promotion & Information Council wants you to experience fuel performance at 220 miles per hour. As they say, “There’s nothing Mickey Mouse about that.”

Here at their booth they’ve got an IndyCar racing simulator. So strap yourself in and hold on. You can hear what this baby sounds like here: Listen To MP3 File Simulator Sound (1:29 MP3 File)

To better see what it’s like to be in the simulator you can watch a short video clip of it here: Watch WMV File IndyCar Simulator (:31 wmv file)

New HollandAgWired coverage of Commodity Classic is being made posssible by our good friends at New Holland.

Audio, Commodity Classic, Video