New Utility Tractors From Massey Ferguson

Chuck Zimmerman

Massey Ferguson 500 SeriesThere’s some new tractors out in the Massey Ferguson line. It’s their 500 Series of utility tractors like this 596 model. They also received four AE50 awards from the American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers. You can find out more on these stories on

New Massey Ferguson Utility Tractors

Massey Ferguson® Tractors Receive AE50 Recognition for Superior Transmissions, Operator Protection and High HP Tractors

Agribusiness, Equipment, Tractor

Maybe You Should Podcast Before Blogging

Chuck Zimmerman

Chief MarketerHere’s another story on podcasting that’s especially good if you’re not convinced that this blogging thing is a good idea. Chief Marketer has a story they took away from a recent Ad:Tech Chicago session that suggests you might just be better off going directly to podcasting.

The story includes a description of how some companies are using podcasts like: “Michael Moore, director of interactive marketing for Nestle Purina Petcare, said his company now offers a range of podcasts that users can subscribe to from the Purina Web site. . . with consumers becoming more mobile, the company was interested in transferring that educational and entertainment content to MP3 devices.”


Wheat That Beats Drought

Chuck Zimmerman

Drought Tolerant Wheat ComparisonI have to thank Wendy Lewis with FS Communications for helping me “cover” the Agricultural Biotechnology International Conference in Australia. She’s getting me story ideas and pictures!

Here’s one on Australian researchers developing drought tolerant wheat. We might need some of this here in the midwest unless we get some rain soon.

Victorian scientists have identified new drought resistant wheat lines that could mean millions of extra dollars in farmers’ pockets, Minister for Innovation John Brumby announced today at the Agricultural Biotechnology International Conference (ABIC) in Melbourne. Department of Primary Industries (DPI) scientists based in Horsham, within the Molecular Plant Breeding CRC, have identified bread wheat lines that yield up to 20 per cent more grain than current varieties, under drought stressed conditions.

“Wheat is Australia’s largest crop, with Victorian wheat exports valued at $384 million in 2004-05,” Mr Brumby said. “However Australian wheat is grown under rainfed conditions and a lack of rainfall frequently reduces the crop yield. “With at least half of Australia’s wheat production area subject to drought every year, these new lines could earn Australian wheat farmers an additional $270 million a year.

Biotech, International

Biotech Exposes Cod Sex Life

Chuck Zimmerman

Murray CodI think this looks like a tasty morsel. Cod is an excellent fish. These biotech researchers in Australia though seem to have gotten off the track a little bit don’t you think? I’ve tried to keep this a very clean site and stay away from the “s” word but this story is too good to pass up.

Victorian scientists have revealed the once thought monogamous Australian fish, the Murray cod could be playing the field. Minister for Innovation, John Brumby, said while Murray cod were commonly believed to be monogamous, a study of the fish larvae genes has shown that some cod were polygamous with pairings of two females and one male discovered in several captive spawnings.

Announcing the surprising findings today at the Agricultural Biotechnology International Conference (ABIC) in Melbourne today, Mr Brumby said scientists from Department of Primary Industries (DPI) had made the discovery. “The more we know about the Murray cod, including its sex life, the better we will be able to manage the population levels as well as develop its export potential,” Mr Brumby said.

Oh my gosh. I had no idea. Fascinating. How is biotechnology involved? The “the study is just one component of a larger project which is utilising advanced gene marker and reproduction technologies to enable the development of selective breeding programs for the production of bigger, more colourful and healthier cod for aquaculture purposes.”

Biotech, International

Socialize With Other Horse Lovers

Chuck Zimmerman

HorseRing.comA social network for horse lovers? That’s right. I got an email from Helene Young seeking some input on what’s she’s doing with this new website.

HorsesRing is an online place where you can connect other horse lovers, share thoughts, pictures and knowledge, as well as support others, celebrating the common joy of horses.

So please visit and let her know what you think. She says it’s a very “stable meeting place.”

Horses, Internet

Ag Biotechnology In Australia

Chuck Zimmerman

Victoria, AustraliaThere’s a big biotechnology conference going on in Australia this week. I was invited to attend but have to be in Kansas City and then on to Norway. Darn the luck, eh?

But that doesn’t mean I can’t let you know what’s happening down under. Here’s an interesting story.

Australia Ryegrass Field TrialVictorian scientists are using leading biotechnology to take the sneeze out of the chief culprit of hayfever – ryegrass – which afflicts 1.8 million Australians and hundreds of millions of people worldwide. Minister for Innovation, John Brumby, today announced the findings to mark the start of the Agricultural Biotechnology International Conference (ABIC) in Melbourne.

Mr Brumby said the researchers at Victorian Department of Primary Industries (DPI) had developed a new variety Australia Ryegrass Press Conferenceof ryegrass, which does not cause the sneezing and itchy eyes of hay fever. “Through the use of innovative biotechnology, relief is now in sight for sufferers and businesses alike across the world,” Mr Brumby said.

Alleluia! I would love to leave my Zyrtec behind. I’m sure many of you would too. How about John’s title? Minister of Innovation. I like that. I also like the fact that they’re sending me great pictures to go along with the information. I’ve got more to post later today.

Oh, and by the way, did I mention I wish I could be there to take these pictures myself?

Biotech, International

Award For Grower’s Boyd

Chuck Zimmerman

Vicky BoydI love this picture. Vicky’s posed on a fence rail, the background is out of focus but she’s not. I know, it’s hard to see on a 150 pixel wide web resolution jpeg but it’s “creative.” I like that.

So Vicky has a nice picture and a nice award.

Vicky Boyd, editor of The Grower, recently earned two high accolades in Fresno County California Farm Bureau’s 12th annual journalism awards. Boyd received honorable mention in the agricultural print media category. Her February 2006 article “A Mite-y Big Problem,” which tackled the widespread issue of bee loss due to mites, placed third in the same category. Boyd said her recognition is significant coming from some of the top leaders in the journalism and produce fields.

“Receiving these high honors from such a prestigious judging panel in the largest agricultural county in the nation is strong reinforcement and excellent recognition for The Grower,” Boyd said. “My peers are telling me that I’m reaching the right people and delivering an accurate message in my work.”


Virtual Press Rooms”R”Us

Chuck Zimmerman

ZimmCast79 - Virtual Press RoomsThis week’s program continues the theme from last week with a focus on new media in agricultural communications and discussing a few examples.

Agribloggers & Farm PodcastersCindy joins me in this week’s program. You’ll be seeing her out and about more as we get called on to use our “traditional” media skills to create great online content for blogs, podcasts, news releases, newsletters, e-newsletters and websites. It’s amazing what a little bit of multimedia capability allows you to do on the internet today! It’s digital online public relations.

Listen here: Listen To ZimmCastZimmCast 79 (13 min MP3)

The ZimmCast is the official weekly podcast of AgWired which you can subscribe to using the link in our sidebar. You can also subscribe in iTunes.

Public Relations

Mixed Reaction To USDA WIC Change Proposal

Chuck Zimmerman

Produce Marketing AssociationThe Produce Marketing Association is happy that the proposed changes to the USDA, WIC program now includes fruits and vegetables.

“We applaud the revisions in the WIC Program. Increasing access to fresh produce encourages healthier eating habits and provides for broader food choices,” said Kathy Means, PMA vice president of government relations.

But the International Dairy Foods Association and National Milk Producers Federation are unhappy that the proposal cuts dairy. So what are you going to do?

Ag Groups, Food, USDA