CropLife America Awards

Chuck Zimmerman

Janis McFarland Receives AwardThanks go to Grace Oh for this picture of Janis McFarland receiving her award at the recent CropLife America annual meeting in Orlando, FL.

CLA recognized Janis McFarland, Syngenta, with the association’s highest and longest-standing honor, the Lea Hitchner Award. As Chair of the Strategic Oversight Council (SOC), Janis is a dedicated CLA contributor and adviser. Jay Vroom, President & CEO of CLA, cited McFarland’s long time involvement with CLA. Currently McFarland heads Syngenta Regulatory Affairs for North America and Mexico.

“Janis finds time for CLA and is always willing to help when asked,” said Vroom. “She’s worked to bring forward a significant change for issue refocus and management. She’s also helped streamline our initiatives to continue to better serve our CLA members.”

There were numerous other awards presented as well.

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