Water for Food Podcast Episode 3

Cindy Zimmerman

Episode number three of the Daugherty Water for Food Podcast spotlights another woman making waves in the food and water space. Felicia Marcus has been making waves in California water management and regulation for more than three decades. She most recently served as Chair of the State Water Resources Control Board, with responsibility for drinking water, water quality, and water …

Audio, Food, Podcasts, Water, Water for Food

2020 Water for Food Global Webinar Series

Cindy Zimmerman

The next in the series of Water for Food Global Webinars coming up this week will focus on Advancing Science-based Targets for Fresh Water. The webinar is schedule for Thursday, October 15, 9:00-10:00 am Central time. This webinar will provide the background, context, status, timeline and next steps for science-based targets in the private sector and how interested parties can …

Water, Water for Food, webinar

Daugherty Water for Food Podcast Episode Two

Cindy Zimmerman

The second episode of the Daugherty Water for Food Podcast is now live. This episode spotlights another amazing woman making waves in the food and water space. Lizz Ellis, CEO of International Development Enterprises (iDE), recently participated in the recent Women Leaders in Water for Food webinar focused on empowering women in ag and water management. She is interviewed by …

Audio, Food, Podcasts, Water, Water for Food

ZimmCast 654 – #FJFieldDays and DWFI Podcast

Chuck Zimmerman

Hello and welcome to the ZimmCast. This week I had the opportunity to fly for the first time in over 5 1/2 months to put the Golden ZimmComm Microphone to work at a farm event. Thank you Farm Journal for having me help with your Farm Journal Field Days event which included on-farm activities as well as a significant virtual …

Audio, Farm Journal, Media, Soil, Sustainability, Water for Food, ZimmCast

Introducing the Daugherty Water for Food Podcast

Chuck Zimmerman

Welcome to the Daugherty Water for Food Podcast! Since 2010, the Daugherty Water for Food Global Institute at the University of Nebraska has worked toward one goal: a food and water secure world — one in which global food security is ensured without compromising the use of water to meet other essential human and environmental needs. It’s a daunting vision, …

Audio, Podcasts, Soil, Sustainability, Water for Food

Water for Food Global Conference Proceedings Available

Cindy Zimmerman

The full proceedings of the ninth global conference produced by the Daugherty Water for Food Global Institute at the University of Nebraska are now available in print and online. More than 400 international experts and organizational leaders convened in Lincoln, Nebraska, April 29-30, to discuss “Water for a Hungry World: Innovation in Water and Food Security,” focusing on the next …

Water for Food

ZimmCast 615 – Interviews From #Water4Food

Chuck Zimmerman

My first Water for Food Global Conference was a learning experience which included meeting some interesting people from around the world. This is the third time we’ve worked with The Daugherty Water for Food Global Institute at the University of Nebraska to create a virtual newsroom on AgNewsWire. This episode of the ZimmCast features interviews from the conference that provide …

AgWired Precision, Audio, Farming, Water, Water for Food, ZimmCast

Irrigation Innovation Critical to Water for Food

Cindy Zimmerman

Innovation in irrigation is critical for the future of water for a hungry world and the irrigation industry was happy to play a role in the 2019 Water for Food Global Conference this week in Lincoln, Nebraska. “This one conference brings all the top agriculture folks together,” said Irrigation Association CEO Deborah Hamlin. “This whole conference and Daugherty Institute was …

AgWired Precision, Audio, Irrigation, Water, Water for Food

Water for Hungry World Important for Bayer

Cindy Zimmerman

Bayer is the gold sponsor at this week’s 2019 Water for Food Global Conference “Water for a Hungry World: Innovation in Water and Food Security.” “We believe that innovation, technology, digital tools and partnerships are critical to address the complexity (of water and agriculture issues),” said Bayer Director of Collaborations for Developing Countries Mark Edge. Edge presented “Sustainable Solutions for …

AgWired Precision, Audio, Bayer, Water, Water for Food