2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

USFRA Continues to Grow and EngAGe

Carrie Muehling

The U.S. Farmers and Ranchers Alliance (USFRA) celebrated its seventh anniversary of helping provide a voice for agriculture on the national stage at the National Association of Farm Broadcasting convention in Kansas City last week. “There were six original organizations…we’re up to over 100 now,” said USFRA CEO Randy Krotz. USFRA elected four new board members at the meeting – …


SMART Farmer Jeremy Brown

Cindy Zimmerman

In this edition, we hear from a Texas farmer who grows both organic and traditional cotton and peanuts, as well as other crops. Jeremy Brown is one of the U.S. Farmers and Ranchers Alliance (USFRA) faces of farming, which has given him the opportunity to engage with the non-farm public on the highly emotional topic of biotechnology and GMO crops …

AgWired Precision, Biotech, Cotton, GMO, Podcasts, USFRA

New and Expanded ZimmCast

Chuck Zimmerman

After 12 years, the ZimmCast is getting a bit of a makeover. The new and expanded ZimmCast is here. After informally polling our audience and looking at new podcast research, we clearly heard that you want more. So the length of the ZimmCast will increase with more interviews and audio from the travels of the ZimmComm Golden Mic. The mission of …

Audio, John Deere, USDA, USFRA, ZimmCast

USFRA Supporting Food Evolution Movie

Cindy Zimmerman

The U.S. Farmers and Ranchers Alliance (USFRA) is supporting a new film that offers an independent investigation into biotechnology that concludes GMOs may well be a force for good to feed the world. Food Evolution, which is now streaming on Hulu, was commissioned by the Institute of Food Technologists (IFT), and directed by Academy Award®-nominated director Scott Hamilton Kennedy. “The …

AgWired Animal, AgWired Precision, Audio, Biotech, Food, GMO, USFRA

SMART Farmer Rochelle Krusemark

Cindy Zimmerman

Rochelle Krusemark is a Minnesota grain and soybean farmer, a state and national soybean board and USFRA board member, wife, mother and grandmother – all at the same time! Obviously a busy lady, Rochelle squeezed in time as she was watching her two toddler grandsons to tell us what being a SMART farmer means to her, and why she is …

AgWired Animal, AgWired Precision, Audio, Podcasts, Soybean, USFRA

SMART Farmer Katie Roth

Cindy Zimmerman

Katie Roth and her husband TJ farm with their partners John and Luann Shea in the southwest corner of America’s Dairyland in Wisconsin where they milk Holsteins and grow all of their feedstuffs on the farm including corn, soybeans, alfalfa and wheat. In addition, she serves as one of the U.S. Farmers & Ranchers Alliance’s (USFRA) Faces of Farming & …

AgWired Animal, Audio, Dairy, USFRA

Leading the Agriculture Conversation

Carrie Muehling

Wisconsin native and owner of Ag Inspirations Kim Bremmer spoke to those attending this year’s NAMA Fall Conference, instilling the idea that it is important to continue to lead the conversation of agriculture and to do it better. “The story of agriculture is much bigger than anything that can be put on a label at the grocery store, or can …


SMART Farmer Emily Buck

Cindy Zimmerman

Emily Buck farms with her husband and daughter near Columbus, Ohio where they raise soybeans, corn and wheat and also have a small sheep operation. Her main role on the farm, beyond helping with crops, is to manage the 40 ewes. Off the farm, Emily is a university researcher and professor of agricultural communication at Ohio State University, which gives …

AgWired Animal, AgWired Precision, Audio, USFRA

SMART Farmer Robb Fraley

Cindy Zimmerman

Robb Fraley isn’t our typical SMART Farmer, but after growing up on a small Illinois farm, his work has helped farmers around the world produce food more sustainably with science and technology that has helped increase yields by decreasing threats to crops. That technology is genetic modification of plants, creating GMO crops that are resistance to insects and disease, able …

AgWired Precision, Audio, GMO, USFRA

USFRA CEO Urges Agriculture to Stand as One

Kelly Marshall

As the nation’s largest outdoor farm show was getting underway last week bringing thousands of agriculture industry people together in Decatur, Illinois, U.S. Farmers & Ranchers Alliance (USFRA) CEO Randy Krotz sent out an op-ed urging American agriculture to stand together against the threats facing farming and ranching. “There are times when we in agriculture may not be understanding how …

AgWired Animal, AgWired Precision, Audio, Farm Progress Show, USFRA