RFA Ethanol Podcast

USFRA CEO Urges Agriculture to Stand as One

Kelly Marshall

As the nation’s largest outdoor farm show was getting underway last week bringing thousands of agriculture industry people together in Decatur, Illinois, U.S. Farmers & Ranchers Alliance (USFRA) CEO Randy Krotz sent out an op-ed urging American agriculture to stand together against the threats facing farming and ranching.

“There are times when we in agriculture may not be understanding how serious the threat is.” Krotz said.  “Agriculture has a great story that we haven’t necessary told real well. The message that I want everyone to understand is that agriculture needs to stand together.”

Programs like USFRA need funding to be effective- to get the message into social media or pop culture spaces.  It’s important to keep the programs working together, rather than funding new, splintered groups every time something different comes along.

USFRA has been putting in the effort to share the message in many ways.  They produce 360 degree farm videos, push the concept of the SMART farm, and work through the program Straight Talk to converse with food companies. The movie “Food Evolution” looks at both side of the food story and inserts good science and USFRA is bringing that film to 30 non-agriculture colleges and universities this year.  They also host Food Dialogues– a balanced approach to issues like the conversation happening this Wednesday in Nebraska that will focus on GMOs.

Audio file: Interview with Randy Krotz, USFRA

2017 Farm Progress Show Photo Album

Coverage of the Farm Progress Show is sponsored by Coverage of the Farm Progress Show is sponsored by John DeereCoverage of the Farm Progress Show is sponsored by GrowmarkCoverage of the Farm Progress Show is sponsored by Bayer CropScience
AgWired Animal, AgWired Precision, Audio, Farm Progress Show, USFRA