2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

USFRA Chooses New Director of Communications

Kelly Marshall

Kevin Aandahl has been announced as the new Communications Director of the U.S. Farmers and Ranchers Alliance (USFRA). The Alliance, an organization that fosters dialogue on food issues to build trust in America’s agriculture is excited to welcome Aandahl on board. “I’m very pleased that Kevin is on our team since he brings more than 25 years of diverse expertise …

Agribusiness, USFRA

Update from @USFRA at #FarmProgressShow

Cindy Zimmerman

The U.S. Farmers and Ranchers Alliance (USFRA) will be just five years young this fall, but the coalition of agricultural organizations has experienced amazing growth in that short time. “We are at 93 affiliate organizations, which is largely unprecedented,” said USFRA CEO Randy Krotz, who notes that those affiliates represent a broad range of agriculture. “We have lamb, beef and …

Audio, Farm Progress Show, USFRA

USFRA Releases Sustainability Research

Jamie Johansen

During the Farm Progress Show this morning, U.S. Farmers and Ranchers Alliance (USFRA) announced the results of a new survey on consumer views on farming and ranching sustainability. “For USFRA, no question about agriculture is off the table,” said USFRA chair Nancy Kavazanjian during the press conference. “We want to make sure farmers and ranchers are involved in the most …

Ag Groups, Farm Progress Show, Farm Shows, Sustainability, USFRA

Hutch, KN Native Wins USFRA’s I am FARMLAND Gator

Jamie Johansen

When Hutchinson, Kansas native John Wildin put his entry form into the I Am FARMLAND sweepstakes box during the National Cattlemen’s Beef Association convention this past February, he never dreamed he would win a John Deere Gator. The promotion was the brainchild of the U.S. Farmers and Ranchers Alliance (USFRA) to help create awareness about the documentary FARMLAND and encourage …

Ag Groups, USFRA

What Does Sustainable Mean to the Consumer?

Jamie Johansen

The 2015 NAMA Bootcamp was again held in Kansas City, MO. The event attracts those new to the world of agri-marketing or simply new to the agriculture community. Sustainability and the consumer was one breakout session which discussed how farmers and ranchers can communicate with food connectors and millennials about sustainability. U.S. Farmers & Ranchers Alliance (USFRA) CEO, Randy Krotz, …

Ag Groups, Audio, Food, NAMA, Sustainability, USFRA

Viewpoints from @USFRA Food Dialogues

Lizzy Schultz

On Tuesday night, the Mill City Museum in downtown Minneapolis was filled with conversation about agriculture at the fifth annual Food Dialogue, hosted by the US Farmers and Rachers Alliance(USFRA). The event featured seven very diverse panelists, highlighting the diverse ranges of expertise that exist within food production. Bill Gordon, fourth generation soybean farmer; Jen Haugen, a registered dietician formerly …

Agribusiness, Animal Agriculture, Audio, Farming, Food, Media, Nutrition, Social Media, USFRA

Big Crowd for @USFRA Food Dialogues in Minnesota

Cindy Zimmerman

It was a packed house last night at the USFRA Food Dialogues in Minneapolis entitled “Farm to Consumer: Bridging the Gap between Consumer Concerns and Food Production and Sourcing Decisions.” Chuck was supposed to be there but had his flight cancelled and at the last minute our amazing summer intern Lizzy Shultz drove from Madison to fill in. The event, …

Audio, Food, USFRA

Food Dialogues – Minneapolis

Chuck Zimmerman

It is time to talk about food again. So let’s have a dialogue in Minneapolis on “Farm to Consumer: Bridging the Gap between Consumer Concerns and Food Production and Sourcing Decisions.” Thanks to USFRA, we’ll will be there tomorrow to watch, learn, interview, tweet. From environmental sustainability to GMO safety and animal welfare, consumers increasingly want to know if the …

Ag Groups, Food, USFRA

Toledo Food Dialogues Tackles Water Issues

Cindy Zimmerman

All things water were discussed this morning during the Food Dialogues: Toledo event. On August 2, 2014 a toxic algal bloom caused nearly 500,000 people to be without water. The event led to discussions around how to balance the need for clean water with the need for food. The conversation was continued through two panel discussions with the first panel, …

Agribusiness, Environment, Food, USFRA, Water

Toledo Food Dialogues Focused on Water

Cindy Zimmerman

Are you watching Food Dialogues: Toledo? EPA Administrator Gina McCarthy mentioned the Toledo water crisis last year in her announcement yesterday on the final Waters of the United States (WOTUS) rule to point out the importance of clean water to industry. The question being addressed during today’s U.S. Farmers and Ranchers Alliance Food Dialogues is “How do we balance our …

USFRA, Water