RFA Ethanol Podcast

Facts About Pigs With H1N1

Cindy Zimmerman

USDA has confirmed the presence of 2009 pandemic H1N1 influenza virus in a pig sample collected at the Minnesota State Fair. The National Pork Producers Council notes, despite this development, pork is safe to eat and handle and that, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, flu viruses cannot be transmitted through food, including pork. Pigs, like people, …

Pork, Swine, USDA

Larry Quinn Retired

Chuck Zimmerman

Ever since Cindy and I have been in agricultural communications we’ve known and enjoyed working with Larry Quinn, USDA Office of Communications. Well, Larry just retired and while I was in Las Vegas attending BlogWorld and New Media Expo, Cindy got to talk to Larry. Larry says that when he first arrived at USDA he started working on a manual …

Audio, USDA, ZimmCast

Big Interest in USDA Conservation Stewardship Program

Cindy Zimmerman

Lots of farmers are interested in USDA’s revamped Conservation Stewardship Program (CSP) – formally known as the Conservation Security Program. Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) Chief Dave White announced this week that they received nearly 21,300 applications to participate in the CSP, covering more than 33 million acres nationwide. “NRCS has received enough applications to carry out conservation activities on …

Conservation, USDA

Biosecurity For Birds Photo Contest

Chuck Zimmerman

Hey bird photographers. Here’s a photo contest you may be interested in from USDA. USDA APHIS’ Biosecurity For Birds campaign is inviting you to enter your best poultry or pet bird photos in the 2009 Biosecurity For Birds calendar photo contest. We are especially interested in photos of all kinds of poultry, gamebirds, wild birds, shorebirds, and pet birds shown …

Poultry, USDA

USDA Facebook Chat

Chuck Zimmerman

The whole USDA Know Your Farmer, Know Your Food initiative keeps growing with new tools. This time it’s a live chat session via USDA/Facebook. Agriculture Deputy Secretary Kathleen Merrigan today launched a new USDA website for the ‘Know Your Farmer, Know Your Food’ initiative to continue the national conversation about developing local and regional food systems and finding ways to …

Social Networking, USDA


Chuck Zimmerman

For those of you who want to analyze everything that passes your lips USDA has a new web page that will give you the details on any food products. MyFood-a-pedia – The much anticipated MyFood-a-pedia is a new online tool that gives consumers quick access to nutrition information for over 1,000 foods. The MyFood-a-pedia provides calorie count information on the …

Food, USDA

Ag Commissioners Urge Protection of Farmland

Cindy Zimmerman

Most of the country’s original colonies are urging the federal government to preserve and protect our nation’s farmland. “Protecting farmland for future agricultural use is of utmost importance to every citizen of the United States… so critical to maintaining the future viability of our agricultural sectors and rural communities,” said agriculture commissioners and officials from 13 states in a letter …

Farming, USDA

USDA Rural Development at Farm Progress Show

Chuck Zimmerman

One of the press conferences at Farm Progress Show featured USDA Rural Development. To start it out we heard from Colleen Callahan, Illinois State Director for Rural Development. The former farm broadcaster was very comfortable in the media tent on the other side of the podium! She introduced new USDA Rural Development Under Secretary, Dallas Tonsager. Tonsager used the opportunity …

Audio, Farm Progress Show, USDA

USDA Rural Tour in Missouri

Chuck Zimmerman

Our Secretary of Agriculture, Tom Vilsack, is in Missouri today on his Rural Tour. I couldn’t be with him but @ruraltour is keeping us up to date. Here’s some tweets from the morning so far: Great things happening with renewable energy at the Show Me Energy Co-Op. Rural innovation at its best, this is how we revitalze rural areas http://twitpic.com/epmgy …


NASS Updates Farmer Computer/Internet Usage

Chuck Zimmerman

Almost 60% of of U. S. farms now have internet access and the use of DSL has become the most common method of accessing it. The National Agricultural Statistics Service just released its latest Farm Computer Usage and Ownership survey results. Here’s some key findings. Notice how much higher the numbers are for farmers with incomes over $100,000! DSL was …

Farming, Internet, USDA