Status of Syngenta Seeds Product Launches

Chuck Zimmerman

It was almost deja vu for me at the recent NAFB convention Trade Talk session because I interviewed Wayne Fithian, Syngenta Seeds, just like last year. However, since the topic is “what’s new” you’ll hear a new story. Wayne says they’re very lucky to have three major launches this year including Agrisure Viptera, Aphid Management System and a first wave …

Agribusiness, Audio, NAFB, Syngenta

Introducing Agrisure Viptera for Pest Control

Joanna Schroeder

This year during Farm Progress, Syngenta launched the Agrisure Viptera 3111 trait stack, its new breakthrough in pest control. Syngenta’s Grant Ozipko said that their customers are really excited about the product, and for good reason. Syngenta customers who are participating in trials are seeing and experiencing a new level of control, the highest level of control soon to be …

Audio, Corn, Farm Progress Show, Farm Shows, Syngenta

Syngenta Seeds and John Deere Credit Team Up

Cindy Zimmerman

Syngenta Seeds has teamed up with John Deere Credit to offer grower financing solutions through Farm PlanTM for the 2011 crop season. Qualified growers purchasing Garst®, Golden Harvest® and NK® brand seed products will be eligible to receive season-long financing, with attractive cash discounts, at competitive interest rates through Farm Plan. Chuck Lee, head of Syngenta Seeds corn and soybean …

John Deere, Syngenta

Syngenta Seeds Updates

Cindy Zimmerman

VipCot™ cotton has gotten new EPA approval, and the Multi-Pest Complex will soon be ready to fight black and dingy cutworms in the Corn Belt, according to the latest news from Syngenta Seeds. Syngenta Seeds just announced that EPA has approved a natural refuge option for its VipCot™ cotton technology. VipCot* cotton contains the transgenic cotton events COT67B, which produces …

Corn, Cotton, Seed, Syngenta

Syngenta Gets BIO Award for Feeding the World

Cindy Zimmerman

Syngenta was honored this week at the Biotechnology Industry Organization (BIO) International Convention in Chicago with an award recognizing achievements in crop productivity innovations that help feed the world. BIO annually honors companies in the categories of “Healing, Feeding and Fueling the World” based on a pre-conference poll of attendees. Syngenta was named the “Buzz of BIO” award winner in …


USDA Deregulates Syngenta Seeds Corn Trait

Cindy Zimmerman

Syngenta Seeds is proud to announce it has received deregulation from USDA for the Agrisure Viptera trait. The Agrisure Viptera trait will be combined with the Agrisure 3000GT trait stack to form the new Agrisure Viptera 3111 trait stack. The introduction of the Agrisure Viptera 3111 trait stack continues the tradition of the Agrisure Corn Traits system — providing high-performance …

Corn, Syngenta

Spring Planting Advice

Chuck Zimmerman

It’s spring planting time and in this week’s program you’ll hear some ideas and suggestions for row crop farmers. I interviewed Syngenta Crop Protection Technical Support Representative, Michael Leetch this morning. He’s based in Iowa and says there are areas that still have up to five percent of their corn left standing. Couple that with a very wet start to …

Agribusiness, Audio, Syngenta, ZimmCast

Syngenta Announces New Sustainaiblity Team

Joanna Schroeder

Syngenta made two announcements during Commodity Classic last week – a new sustainability team and that their water optimization technology is on track. I spoke with Terry Stone who is heading the new sustainability team as well as Tracy Mader, Project Marketing Head who is working with the team developing the water optimization technologies. I asked Stone to tell me …

Audio, Commodity Classic, Sustainability, Syngenta

Tracy Mader Promoted At Syngenta Seeds

Chuck Zimmerman

Congrats to Tracy Mader who was just promoted to head of Product Marketing for Syngenta Seeds corn and soybean products. In this new role, Mader will be responsible for the corn, soybean and other field crops portfolio, including traits, genetics, seed care and other relevant technology, and will oversee late stage product development, product launches and product lifecycle management. Mader …

Agribusiness, Seed, Syngenta

Syngenta Resistance Fighters

Cindy Zimmerman

The term “resistance fighter” was coined in World War II to describe the underground guerrilla movement that actively fought against Nazi occupation, particularly in Yugoslavia, Poland and France. Today, resistance fighters are targeting a different enemy in the ground – glyphosate-resistant weeds. I talked with one of Syngenta’s Resistance Fighters of the Year at the National Farm Machinery Show. Paul …

Audio, National Farm Machinery Show, Syngenta