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Plasma Blue Debuts at Biodiesel Conference

Cindy Zimmerman

A novel process using electricity and liquid plasma to induce the transesterification process needed to produce biodiesel is generating a lot of interest at the National Biodiesel Conference this week in Tampa. The Minnesota Soybean Research and Promotion Council saw the potential for the technology, developed by scientists at the University of Minnesota, which could produce six gallons of biodiesel …

Audio, Biodiesel, Soybean

A New Look at Corn and Soybean Production

Carrie Muehling

Those attending the 2019 American Seed Trade Association CSS & Seed Expo had the opportunity to learn more about modern corn and soybean production from a couple of industry experts. Retired University of Illinois Extension Agronomist Emerson Nafziger provided some insight on managing today’s more efficient corn hybrids. “My basic thesis is that hybrids have gotten so much better that …

Agronomy, AgWired Precision, ASTA, Audio, BASF, Corn, Soybean

BASF Provides Choices to Soybean Growers

Carrie Muehling

With the 2020 growing season on the horizon, BASF is excited about an expanded soybean portfolio that now includes the Credenz seed brand, several soybean seed treatments, and Liberty herbicide. “One key thing that we’re really focusing on is offering soybean growers more choices to manage their production system in that local environment,” said Nick Fassler, manager of BASF’s technical …

Agribusiness, Audio, BASF, NAFB, Soybean

New Soy Based Motor Oil Now Available

Cindy Zimmerman

Soy-based motor oil is a new opportunity to drive demand for U.S. soybeans in almost any vehicle on the road. Biosynthetic Technologies’ high-performing biobased synthetic motor oil, using high oleic soybean oil from soybeans grown by U.S. farmers, is now on commercial shelves, thanks to a partnership with the United Soybean Board (USB). Both USB and the U.S. Department of …

Audio, Soybean, USB

NK Seeds Helping Farmers End Tough Year on Positive Note

Chuck Zimmerman

A tough season for corn and soybean growers like we’ve had in 2019 presents challenges to growers and an opportunity for companies like Syngenta and their NK Seeds brand, to showcase varieties and traits that help them overcome those challenges. NK Seeds says their investment in seed has helped farmers end the season on a positive note. To learn more …

Agribusiness, Audio, Corn, Soybean, Syngenta

WASDE Lowers Wheat, Corn and Soybean Forecasts

Cindy Zimmerman

The latest World Agricultural Supply and Demand Estimates (WASDE) report from USDA has lower production and reduced use in the outlook for wheat, corn and soybeans. Wheat supplies are decreased 42 million bushels, based on updated production estimates for the states resurveyed following the NASS Small Grains Summary, issued September 30. Adjustments to production in these States, where significant acreage …

Audio, Corn, Soybean, USDA, Wheat

USDA Outlook Lowers Corn and Soybean Estimates

Cindy Zimmerman

The October World Agricultural Supply and Demand Estimates out today from USDA lowered the 2019-20 production outlook for corn and soybeans. This month’s 2019/20 U.S. corn outlook is for slightly lower production, reduced exports and corn used for ethanol, greater feed and residual use, and lower ending stocks. Corn production is forecast at 13.779 billion bushels, down 20 million as …

Corn, Soybean, USDA

Extending the Xtend Soybean Platform

Carrie Muehling

Farmers can look forward to the next generation of the Roundup Ready Xtend Crop System, with approval of Roundup Ready Xtend Flex Soybeans expected in 2020. The current system has helped growers maintain clean fields even in a challenging year, according to Ryan Rubischko, Soybean Portfolio Lead for Bayer Crop Science. “We know across the Midwest many farmers have had …

AgWired Precision, Audio, Bayer, Farm Progress Show, Soybean

Syngenta Offers Choices for 2020 with NK Soybeans

Carrie Muehling

Syngenta is bolstering its already strong NK Soybean platform with different traits that will help farmers when it comes to fighting weed pressure in their fields. “Soybeans used to be easy. It used to be the easy button. But today, it’s a lot more complex,” said Jim Shertzer, Head of NK Marketing for Syngenta. “And what we’ve learned is with …

AgWired Precision, Audio, Farm Progress Show, Soybean, Syngenta

Syngenta Introduces Saltro for SDS

Cindy Zimmerman

Syngenta has received EPA registration for its newest seed treatment, Saltro® fungicide. Formulated to deliver superior protection against Sudden Death Syndrome (SDS) and nematodes without causing plant stress, Saltro will be available for the 2020 growing season. Saltro contains Adepidyn® fungicide, an extremely powerful SDHI mode of action, which outperforms older chemistries and provides higher potential yield. “For the first …

AgWired Precision, Fungicide, Soybean, Syngenta