2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

Syngenta’s Victrato® Getting Closer to Registration

Cindy Zimmerman

Syngenta Seedcare technical lead Dr. Dale Ireland has been working on developing TYMIRIUM technology for over a decade and it is finally approaching the finish line. “We’re nearing registration for soybeans and once it’s registered, it will be called Victrato®. And that’s for soybeans for nematodes, sudden death syndrome, red crown rot and several other early season diseases that it …

Agribusiness, AgWired Precision, Audio, Corn, Cotton, Crop Protection, Seed, Soybean, Syngenta, Technology

Golden Harvest Golden Advantage Offers 0% Extended Terms

Cindy Zimmerman

As farmers continue to be faced with challenging financial pressures heading into the next production season, Golden Harvest is pleased to offer 0% extended terms on Golden Harvest® corn and soybean seed and qualified Syngenta Seedcare products through Golden Advantage℠. Heather Volpe, Golden Harvest marketing manager, says Golden Advantage reinforces their commitment to farmers, providing a financial edge as they …

Audio, Corn, Farm Progress Show, Golden Harvest, Seed, Soybean, Syngenta

ZeaKal PhotoSeed is 1st Sustainability-Embedded Trait Tech

Cindy Zimmerman

ZeaKal today announced that PhotoSeed™ Soy has been validated as the first sustainability-embedded trait technology for agriculture, a technology that could expand the volume of sustainable aviation fuel (SAF) production by approximately one billion additional gallons on existing U.S. soybean acreage. Han Chen, co-founder and CEO of ZeaKal, says they were able to validate PhotoSeed’s impact on the carbon intensity …

AgWired Precision, Audio, SAF, Soybean, Sustainability, Technology

Syngenta Finds Soybean Growers ROI in Sliding Market

Cindy Zimmerman

With the 2024 soybean harvest almost complete and growers evaluate this year’s decisions for 2025, return on investment (ROI) once again ranks as the most critical factor in a rollercoaster market, according to Syngenta. At Farm Progress Show this year, Syngenta agronomic service representative Jesse Grote talked about how the Syngenta Seedcare portfolio delivers more value and more potential yield …

Audio, Soybean, Syngenta

Golden Harvest Updates from FPS24

Cindy Zimmerman

Harvest is now in full swing around the country and for many farmers it’s a Golden Harvest kind of year. Golden Harvest had lots to talk about at the 2024 Farm Progress Show – already a month ago now! – including 14 new corn hybrids and 27 new soybean varieties for 2025, new traits, zero percent Golden Advantage financing, and …

Audio, Corn, Farm Progress Show, Golden Harvest, Soybean, Syngenta

LUCI Brings Food Value Chain Consensus

Chuck Zimmerman

A new multi-stakeholder Land Use Change Initiative (LUCI) is leading efforts to unite the food value chain in developing definitions, metrics and methodologies for quantifying land use change. The initiative is funded by the United Soybean Board (USB) in partnership with Carbon A List, and USB Board Chair Steve Reinhard, an Ohio farmer who presented keynote remarks at a recent …

Audio, carbon, Food, land, Soybean, USB

Syngenta Excited For New SCN Seed Treatment

Cindy Zimmerman

At Farm Progress Show this week, Syngenta was promoting its highly anticipated seed treatment for soybeans and cotton using TYMIRIUM® technology, called Victrato. With approval by EPA for registration anticipated by the 2025 growing season, the new seed treatment will introduce targeted technology to stop nematodes, Sudden Death Syndrome, and Cotton Root Rot without harming beneficial organisms. “Its wheelhouse is …

AgWired Precision, Audio, Cotton, Farm Progress Show, Soybean, Syngenta, Technology

USB Launches New Land Use Change Initiative

Cindy Zimmerman

As agriculture’s role in climate solutions becomes more critical, a new Land Use Change Initiative (LUCI), funded by the United Soybean Board (USB) in partnership with Carbon A List, is leading efforts to standardize definitions, metrics and methodologies for quantifying land use change. LUCI hosted its first Land Use Change Summit at McDonald’s International Headquarters in Chicago on July 29-30, …

Environment, Soybean, Sustainability, USB

USDA Forecasting Record Corn and Soybean Yields

Cindy Zimmerman

The latest Crop Production report from USDA’s National Agricultural Statistics Service (NASS) is forecasting record corn and soybean yields this year, with higher total production for soybeans and slightly lower for corn. Corn production is expected to be down 1% from last year at 15.1 billion bushels while soybean production is forecast to be 10% higher than 2023 at a …

Corn, Cotton, Soybean, USDA, Wheat