2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

Predicting Social Media Trends

Chuck Zimmerman

Q: Hey Chuck, what’s the next big thing? A: I dunno. But what I do know is that there’s no stopping social media and its impact on agricultural marketing. For that reason I strive to learn about and try everything I can. Hence the ZimmGlass Project. I don’t really make predictions because things can change so suddenly. However, there are …

Social Media, Social Networking

CommonGround Iowa

Chuck Zimmerman

In this week’s program we’ll meet Sara Ross, Iowa farmer and part of CommonGround Iowa. I visited with Sara in the media room at the National Biodiesel Conference and we spoke via ZimmGlass. Here’s what CommonGround Iowa is: We’re a group of Iowa farm women working to dispel myths about modern agriculture and build trust in farming communities and farm …

Ag Groups, Audio, National Biodiesel Conference, Social Networking, ZimmCast

Ryan Goodman Receives Inaugural Comm Award

Chuck Zimmerman

He’s Agriculture Proud. He’s Ryan Goodman, Manager of Communications for the Montana Stockgrowers Association. The photo is from when Ryan was teaching a blogging class at the 2011 Agvocacy 2.0 Conference. The Montana Stockgrowers Association is proud to announce that Ryan Goodman, MSGA Manager of Communications, is the inaugural recipient of the 2013 Communicator of the Year award, presented by …

Ag Groups, Farming, Social Media, Social Networking, Video

Telling #MyFarmBill Story on Social Media

Chuck Zimmerman

USDA and Secretary of Agriculture Tom Vilsack are urging you to tell your “MyFarmBill” story via social media. In support of the effort they’ve crated an Instagram account, USDAGov. Here’s the message: At USDA, we remain committed to sharing with all Americans the need for a comprehensive Food, Farm and Jobs Bill to keep up momentum in American agriculture, grow …

Audio, Farm Bill, Social Networking, USDA

Agvocating with Youtility

Chuck Zimmerman

The AgChat Foundation has a new President after the board meeting held during the 2013 National Agvocacy Conference. He’s Jeff VanderWerff, Michigan farmer. I spoke to him during the conference and with our keynote speaker. Jeff told me that the organization is in great shape as it continues its mission of “Empowering farmers and ranchers to connect communities through social …

Ag Groups, Audio, Farming, Social Networking, ZimmCast

Agvocates On Way Home

Chuck Zimmerman

The 2013 National Agvocacy 2.0 Conference has come to a close and another group of passionate, trained agvocates are on their way home for some needed rest before continuing to tell stories from their farms. I’ve attended several of these conferences and they keep getting bigger and better. Last night we had some great social activity during the “traditional” swap …

Ag Groups, Social Networking

AgChat Foundation Training New Agvocates

Chuck Zimmerman

The 2013 National Agvocacy 2.0 Conference is underway in Charlotte, NC. We’ve got a new crop of agvocates in training mode today and tomorrow, over 100 of them! Our program is just underway with keynote speaker Jay Baer, author of Youtility, Why Smart Marketing is about Help not Hype. We’re going to explore conversations beyond the choir, look at some …

Ag Groups, Social Networking

These Agvocates Say Dinner Starts Here

Chuck Zimmerman

Want to know where your food comes from? Sure you do. Here’s a resource I just found out about – Dinner Starts Here. This is an effort by some young Canadian farmers who are using social media to share their stories about the food they produce. Great idea! Through this website you’ll meet a group of young farmers from Ontario, …

Farming, Food, International, Social Media, Social Networking