USDA Goes On a Rural Tour

Chuck Zimmerman

USDA has kicked off their Rural Tour: Renewing America’s Promise. They’ve not only got a website but are doing the whole social media thing. The Rural Tour is crisscrossing the country to listen to residents in small towns and get their thoughts on revitalizing our nation. Together, we can strengthen rural communities. We need your ideas to get the job …

Social Networking, USGC

Cattlemen Using Social Media for Outreach

Cindy Zimmerman

It’s cheap, it’s easy and it’s a way to communicate one to one with people who might not otherwise hear your message. Those are three good reasons for beef cattle producers to use social media like Twitter and Facebook to reach out in ways they have never been able to before. David says the issues management committee meeting at the …

Audio, Beef, Cattle Industry Conference, Social Networking

Social Media and Illinois Ag Leadership Program

Chuck Zimmerman

Today the current class of the Illinois Agricultural Leadership Program will be having a Media Relations Seminar in Chicago. Yours truly was supposed to be presenting a session on “Social Media From The Ag Perspective” but pneumonia canceled that. However, good friend and social media man Andy Vance, ABN, is on the scene for me. So to help him out …

Ag Groups, Social Networking

Social Media and Tennessee Agritourism

Chuck Zimmerman

The Tennessee Department of Agriculture is going to be holding a series of workshops (pdf) on social media in August. It’s part of their Agritourism efforts which will “Take your marketing skills to a new level.” If you think a . . . “Twitter” is what the birdies do . . . “Blog” is a swampy spot near the barn …

Social Networking

A Cow’s Life

Amanda Nolz

Without a doubt, Twitter is all the rage these days, and even farmers and ranchers are tweeting their daily lives from their tractors. This is a great way to promote food production to consumers, as it gives a unique insight into the lives of the people that are dedicated to growing a safe, wholesome product for consumption. While there are …

Social Networking and The Twittering Farmer

Chuck Zimmerman has a nice story by John D. Sutter that covers how farmers are communicating today with their smartphones and Twitter. He spoke with my main man Steve Tucker, Nebraska farmer and Any Kleinschmidt, Ohio State University Extension Agriculture Educator and Assistant Professor and yours truly and also mentions AgChat. Here’s an excerpt: As he rolls across the wheat fields …

Social Networking

Illinois Beef Association Summer Conference

Amanda Nolz

If you’re in or around Illinois on June 25-26, I would love to meet you. Tomorrow, I’m hopping on a plane to head to the Illinois Beef Association Summer Conference to present my workshop, “Table Truths in a New York Minute.” My workshop dives into the tips and tricks for utilizing online tools and social networks to tell the agriculture …

Education, Livestock, Social Networking

Register For BlogWorld

Chuck Zimmerman

I just registered for this year’s Blogworld & New Media Expo. If you’re planning on attending then now’s the time to get registered since the early cutoff is July 1. BlogWorld & New Media Expo is the first and only industry-wide trade show, conference and media event dedicated to promoting the dynamic industry of blogging and new media. BlogWorld features …

Education, Podcasts, Social Networking

Expanding the Reach of Email Through Social Networks

Amanda Nolz

Everyday, people utilize countless accounts: email, Facebook, MySpace, Twitter, LinkedIn, etc. to communicate with others, and the list of these social networking sites is constantly growing. However, there is much more to social networking than simply having an account. How can we have meaningful connections online? How can we better reach our target audience? Here is a paper by Exact …

Advertising, Social Networking