2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

Social Media Award for @Bayer

Chuck Zimmerman

One company that really “gets” social media in my opinion is Bayer. I’m not alone. The evidence comes in the form of some great recognition for their efforts. In this week’s program I talk with Bayer’s Jeff Donald about their use of social media on the ag side and how they measure success. The “Bayer gets scientifically social” campaign has …

Agribusiness, Audio, Bayer, Social Media, Social Networking, ZimmCast

New Faces Sought By @USFRA

Cindy Zimmerman

The U.S. Farmers & Ranchers Alliance (USFRA®) is looking for a few new faces. This year, through the Faces of Farming & Ranching program search, USFRA is looking for its third class of standout farmers and ranchers who are proud of what they do and strive to be sustainable and technology-driven, eager to share their stories of continuous improvement and …

Social Media, USFRA

AgWired Statistically Thinking

Chuck Zimmerman

Web/Mobile/Social statistics. I’ve been studying them for a lot of years and I still find them to be difficult to decipher. Even more difficult is trying to figure out what they mean in terms of ROI for sponsors and advertisers. Requests for statistics have been increasing in the last year and so far I think I’ve been able to provide …

Social Media

Tweet a Bee, #FeedABee

Cindy Zimmerman

Bayer is gearing up to make a significant impact on pollinator health in 2016 by planting more forage and spreading the word about the importance of pollinators with the debut of the Feed a Bee song and video and new social media initiatives to help keep pollinators healthy. We talked with our favorite Queen Bee Becky Langer, Bayer Bee Care …

Audio, Bayer, Bees, pollinators, Social Media, ZimmCast

USFRA Invites You to “Show Us Your Ag”

Kelly Marshall

National Agriculture Week begins next week, March 13-19, and the U.S. Farmers and Ranchers Alliance invites farmers and ranchers to participates in “Show Us Your Ag” to highlight the great things going on across the nation. The industry providing us with everything we eat, plus fuel and fiber is generally misunderstood by those making use of our products everyday.  “Show …

Ag Groups, Social Media, USFRA

ZimmCast from #NBB16

Cindy Zimmerman

The 13th National Biodiesel Conference and Expo was held last week in Tampa and it was the 11th year that ZimmComm has done the Biodiesel Conference Blog. Way back in 2006, the National Biodiesel Board (NBB) was one of the first industry organizations to see the value in new media like blogs and they continue to stay on the cutting …

Audio, Biodiesel, Social Media, ZimmCast

Graduate AgVocates 2015

Chuck Zimmerman

What a fine group of young agvocates ready to hit the interwebs and let people know more about where their food comes from. If you missed the 2015 AgChat Foundation Conference, don’t worry. There will be another one. In the meantime, what can you do to get involved? #AgChat & #FoodChat Conversations – Join us Tuesday evenings for #AgChat & …

Social Media

Shannon Oleen Shares Tips and Tricks with #NAFB15

Kelly Marshall

Shannon Oleen recently shook up the 2015 National Association of Farm Broadcasters Convention with a little information about building your business and your brand.  As a business owner and a millennial herself, Oleen has a lot of experience connecting with customers and clients through online platforms, email marketing, and social media. “Communication is the fundamental piece for all of us …

Agribusiness, NAFB, Social Media, Technology

AgChat Cultivate & Connect Conference Two Weeks Away

Kelly Marshall

The 2015 Cultivate & Connect AgChat National Conference is just around the corner.  Taking place in just two weeks, November 9-10 in Nashville, TN, this event will help you effectively share your message in a world of constant misperceptions. With the online world allowing anyone to be an “expert” how do you build bridges with consumers?  Veteran Digital marketer Christopher …

Events, Social Media

FFA Encourages Students to #SpeakAg

Kelly Marshall

The National FFA Organization is encouraging students to share how they are growing their knowledge of agriculture with a social media challenge entitled Members may participate by tweeting or instagraming a photo, video or story of how they are using knowledge gained in the classroom, from an SAE project or other FFA activity to inform their communities.  Once they’ve posted …

Ag Groups, FFA, Social Media