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Meet the Student #NAMA17 Winners

Jamie Johansen

The 2017 Agri-Marketing Conference is more than just home to professional development and networking for those already in the field of ag marketing. Student NAMA chapters from across the country come to compete in the Student Marketing Competitions. Chapters spend the entire school year on a marketing project that gives them a taste of what it will be like once …

Ag Groups, NAMA, Social Media, Video

Go Big with ZimmComm at #NAMA17

Jamie Johansen

Bring your eyes and ears to the ZimmComm New Media booth at the 2017 Agri-Marketing Conference Connection Point trade show to see and hear about agriculture’s virtual newsroom and podcasting as we Go Big with Facebook Live. Joining us is the U.S. Farmers and Ranchers Alliance (USFRA) to provide demos of their new 360-degree pig videos, which utilizes a virtual …

NAMA, Podcasts, Social Media, USFRA, ZimmComm Announcement

An #AgVocate Example to Feed the Future

Chuck Zimmerman

What better department than R&D to fulfill the 2017 AgVocacy Forum theme “Feed the Future.” In charge of that department for Bayer CropScience is Dr. Adrian Percy. Adrian has embraced the use of social media to help communicate to consumers, regulators and others, the benefits of the type of work Bayer does. He has been a real positive example for …

Agribusiness, Audio, Bayer, Social Media, Technology, Video

#AsktheFarmer with ASA Wednesday on Twitter

Jamie Johansen

Three farmers are teaming up to answer questions about modern agriculture this week, as the American Soybean Association (ASA) presents #AsktheFarmer on Wednesday, Oct. 12, live on Twitter. You can tweet questions to ASA (@ASA_Soybeans) beginning at 8 a.m. CT and Kyle Bridgeforth (@Kylebridge), Brad Kremer (@kremer_brad) and Jenny Rohrich (@PrairieCA) will chime in with answers throughout the day. Please …

Ag Groups, ASA, Social Media, Soybean

Where’s the #Peanut Emoji?

Cindy Zimmerman

Most people who are active on social media know what an emoji is – those cute little images used in text messages, Twitter and Facebook posts. They started many years ago with the simple smiley or sad face made from the combination of colons and parentheses like this – 🙂 Now emojis are everywhere, and they’ve evolved well beyond facial …

Peanuts, Social Media

#DeleteToFeed Hungry People with Land O’Lakes

Chuck Zimmerman

Here’s a creative idea to help feed hungry people. Land O’Lakes has created the Delete to Feed campaign. Their announcement says that there are 1 in 6 U.S. kids facing hunger and more than 42.2 million food insecure people across the country. That’s a large challenge right there. So how does Delete to Feed work? To start with, during this …

Cooperatives, Food, Social Media

Brownfield Reaches 20,000 Twitter Followers

Kelly Marshall

Brownfield‘s social media presence is growing. Recently the ag news company surpassed 20,000 followers on Twitter; their presence on Facebook, Instagram and YouTube is also on the rise. “Research shows that farmers of all ages continue to listen to the radio to get agricultural news and information, but seek out additional content sources as well,” said Cyndi Young-Puyear, Director of …

Agribusiness, Social Media

#ASTAannual Gets Social

Cindy Zimmerman

As the American Seed Trade Association (ASTA) 133rd annual meeting kicked off in Portland, Oregon over the weekend, the Management Skills Committee focused on using social media to fight the spread of misinformation about agriculture and technology. Jim Schweigert, president of Wisconsin-based Gro Alliance, started off the social media session by presenting a montage of tweets and Facebook posts deriding …

ASTA, Audio, Seed, Social Media

Social Media Award for @Bayer

Chuck Zimmerman

One company that really “gets” social media in my opinion is Bayer. I’m not alone. The evidence comes in the form of some great recognition for their efforts. In this week’s program I talk with Bayer’s Jeff Donald about their use of social media on the ag side and how they measure success. The “Bayer gets scientifically social” campaign has …

Agribusiness, Audio, Bayer, Social Media, Social Networking, ZimmCast