2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

Savlus Ready to Test Contaminant Detection Devices

Cindy Zimmerman

Salvus™ LLC is expecting its first commercial pathogen and chemical contamination detection devices to be delivered by December and anticipates clinical and market/demo trials to commence in early 2022. Earlier this year, Salvus announced plans to commercialize a novel interferometric platform that provides highly accurate detection of contaminants or pathogens in many industries. Applicable in human and animal health, agriculture, …

AgWired Animal, AgWired Precision, Animal Health, Precision Agriculture, Safety, Technology, Water

Two Years of Progress for ResponsibleAg

Kelly Marshall

ResponsibleAg began their safety compliance mission two years ago, and already the program has signed up 2,284 locations, Bill Qualls reported at the Agricultural Retailers Association Conference & Expo. The numbers reflect the importance of safety to members of the industry, Qualls asserts, and it is his job to make sure they’re well informed. “My goal is to help each …

Ag Groups, ARA, Audio, Safety

Do Americans Trust Their Food?

Kelly Marshall

Producers today face challenges of water shortages, urban sprawl, weed and antibiotic resistance, and the never ending battle with Mother Nature, but possibly the biggest hurdle to agriculture is consumer trust.  More than ever consumers are asking questions and requesting transparency in the food process. How is the industry doing? Research provided by FoodThink offers new insights into Americans’ understanding of …

Ag Groups, Food, Safety

BASF, NAAA Give Scholarships to Future Ag Aviators

Kelly Marshall

BASF has joined the National Agricultural Aviation Association (NAAA) to provide scholarship to two students who have chosen the challenging career path of an aerial applicator. Colin Lowry of Ephrata, Washington, and John Nienhuis of Lawton, North Dakota, received Agricultural Aviation Scholarships from NAAA and BASF of $5,000 and $2,500, respectively. The two winners were honored during the 49th Annual …

BASF, Safety

Fertilizer Safety Alliance Announced

Chuck Zimmerman

Here is the list of organizations involved with today’s alliance signing to advance fertilizer safety. The Agricultural Retailers Association The Fertilizer Institute International Fire Fighters Association National Volunteer Fire Council Ammonia Safety and Training Institute Fertilizer Safety and Health Partners Alliance Occupational Safety and Health Administration Environmental Protection Agency In the photo is Chris Jahn, President, TFI; Dr. David Michaels, …

Ag Groups, ARA, Fertilizer, Safety

ResponsibleAg Getting Kicked Off

Chuck Zimmerman

ResponsibleAg Inc. is a non-profit organization founded this year to promote the public welfare by assisting agribusinesses as they seek to comply with federal environmental, health, safety and security rules regarding the safe handling and storage of fertilizer products. Billy Pirkle of Crop Production Services was chosen as the first chair of the organization and he says one of their …

Agribusiness, ARA, Audio, Crop Protection, Fertilizer, Safety

iCropTrak Puts Food Safety On The Map

Talia Goes

If you have driven on a California highway recently you may have noticed an occasional tomato heap, scattered bell peppers or bunch of celery on the roadside. Harvest crews are busy bringing in crops throughout the state and truck traffic is backed up at weigh scales and processing facilities. To ease the paperwork burden, Cogent3D, Inc. has announced the availability …

Agribusiness, Food, Safety

Promoting Farm Safety at NFMS

Chuck Zimmerman

The Kentucky Department of Agriculture’s Division of Ag Education, Farm Safety and Farmland Preservation teams up with several organizations to promote farm safety to National Farm Machinery Show attendees. I met Dale Dobson, Safety Administrator for the Department and Scott Cedarquist, Director of Standards & Technical Activities, American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers, who were working the exhibit. As …

Audio, Farming, National Farm Machinery Show, Safety

AgriSafe Network Seeking Partners for Farm Safety

Cindy Zimmerman

Most everyone knows what a dangerous occupation farming can be, but the AgriSafe Network does something about it, and safety product companies can help. The AgriSafe Network is a national nonprofit organization that represents health professionals who provide agricultural occupational health and safety services to farmers and their families. To help out with this mission, AgriSafe has developed a social …


A Gentle Reminder

Meghan Grebner

The weather during the month of April has been strange for a lot of the United States and Central Illinois is no exception (my weather man on Friday said this would go down as one of the top ten wettest April’s on record).  While farmers are attempting to patiently wait to either get back in the fields or get into …