2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

Korean Cotton Executives to Visit US

Lizzy Schultz

Textile executives from 10 Korean companies will tour the U.S. Cotton Belt on April 17-22. The executives will observe U.S. cotton production, processing and marketing and will meet with U.S. cotton exporters. This Cotton USA Korean Special Trade Mission is being conducted by Cotton Council International (CCI), the National Cotton Council’s export promotions arm. Korea currently ranks as the sixth …

Ag Groups, Cotton, Events, International, Research

NRGene Selects St. Louis for U.S. Headquarters

Jamie Johansen

GlobalSTL, the initiative of BioSTL focused on attracting high-growth international companies to St. Louis, announced that Israeli genomics company NRGene has selected St. Louis as the location of its U.S. headquarters. NRGene is the fourth company to move to St. Louis through the GlobalSTL initiative. NRGene develops advanced computational tools leveraging big data to identify genetic traits to improve yield, …

Agribusiness, Research, Technology

New Insights On Colony Collapse Disorder

Lizzy Schultz

Researchers from Arizona State University’s (ASU) School of Life Sciences recently discovered that the commonly accepted claim that blames nutritional deprivation for the increasing collapse of honey bee colonies is incorrect. The two studies published by ASU researchers found that the stress of short-term nutritional deprivation as larvae actually makes honey bees more resilient to starvation as adults. The findings …

Ag Groups, Bees, Conservation, Environment, pollinators, Research, Sustainability

NCGA Partners with SoAR for Ag Research

Kelly Marshall

The National Corn Growers Association recently told us of their new strategic plan to increase demand and improve productivity and sustainability.  Now they’re showing us just what it is they plan to do about it.  The organization has now joined the Supporters of Agricultural Research (SoAR), a coalition of scientific, consumer and producer groups that seek out sound research policies …

Agribusiness, NCGA, Research

New Cooperative Research Program for Sorghum

Lizzy Schultz

The Sorghum Checkoff, Kansas Grain Sorghum Commission and Kansas State University (KSU) have entered into a cooperative agreement to increase grain sorghum productivity and expand markets by 2025. Coordinated efforts for the Collaborative Sorghum Investment Program will begin April 1st, 2016, and operate through the Center for Sorghum Improvement at KSU. Results will impact sorghum producers throughout the country. “After …

Ag Groups, Agronomy, Marketing, Research, sorghum, University

New Holland Combine Shines in PAMI Report

Lizzy Schultz

One out of every five combines built in the world is made by New Holland, and the recently announced results of a report on combine productivity should make customers even more confident in their decision to choose New Holland. The report was a benchmark study conducted by the independent research agency Prairie Agricultural Machinery Institute (PAMI). The project sought to …

Ag Groups, Audio, Commodity Classic, Equipment, New Holland, Research

Bayer #AgVocacy Forum Talks Antibiotic Resistance

Lizzy Schultz

Bayer Crop Science held a series of panels covering a variety of important topics during an #AgVocacy Forum at the 2016 Commodity Classic last week in New Orleans. Discussion surrounded antibiotic resistance in crops, animals, and humans, and how all three of those industries must share equal responsibility in terms of prioritizing antibiotic stewardship in their fields. The panel included …

Ag Groups, Animal Health, Audio, Bayer, Research, University

BASF Kicks Off #Classic16 with #LivingAcres

Cindy Zimmerman

Agricultural media heard from BASF Crop Protection executives Wednesday at the 10th annual Science Behind event, held prior to the start of the 2016 Commodity Classic in New Orleans. The event was held appropriately for the topic at the Audubon Butterfly Garden and Insecterium which helped showcase findings from a BASF biodiversity research initiative called Living Acres. “Living Acres is …

Audio, BASF, Commodity Classic, Crop Protection, pollinators, Research

BIVI Awards at #AASV2016

Cindy Zimmerman

At the American Association of Swine Veterinarians Reid Phillips, Boehringer Ingelheim Vetmedica, presented several awards. The Respiratory Disease Research Board, with support from BIVI, selected three research proposals to fund as part of its 2016 Awards for Advancing Research in Respiratory Disease program. These research proposals are funded at $35,000 each. The Research Award recipients are selected from a board …

Audio, Boehringer Ingelheim, Research, Swine, Veterinary

USDA Designates $58.25 Million for Plant Pests, Disease

Kelly Marshall

The USDA’s Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS) will be designating $58.25 million from the 2014 farm bill to fund 434 projects that will help protect U.S. crops from plant pests and diseases. “Through the Farm Bill we are working with our partners and stakeholders to not only ensure the global competitiveness of our specialty crop producers but to …

pesticides, Research, USDA