2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

FarmVille Fanatics to Plant Real Crops

Cindy Zimmerman

The top players of the popular on-line game FarmVille will get a taste of reality as they leave the virtual farm this month to plant a real fruit orchard in the real town of Farmville, Virginia – courtesy of Edy’s Fruit Bars. The new orchard in Farmville, VA commemorates a branded integration between Edy’s Fruit Bars and FarmVille. From June …

Farming, Public Relations

Seed to Succeed Grant Awarded

Melissa Sandfort

Harvest PR & Marketing, Inc. has once again awarded its Seed to Succeed nonprofit PR grant, valued at $20,000, to the AgChat Foundation, an organization dedicated to empowering farmers and ranchers to effectively tell their story using social media. AgChat Foundation, which celebrated its one-year anniversary April 5, debuted the “Agvocacy 2.0 Training” in Chicago last August for a select …

Public Relations

Public Relations Etiquette

Chuck Zimmerman

When I bring up PR etiquette in a conversation it usually generates a few chuckles. Now why would that be? Maybe I should refer to this as public relations professionalism. Whatever you want to call it the recent Ag Media Summit provided several opportunities to comment on it. During the event’s InfoExpo I had two situations that provide a real …

Public Relations

AgChat Foundation Receives Seed To Succeed Grant

Chuck Zimmerman

Harvest PR & Marketing has just announced the recipient of its second annual Seed To Succeed nonprofit PR Grant. It’s the AgChat Foundation! The grant is valued at $20,000. Harvest PR’s grant will help the start-up nonprofit spread its “agvocacy” message and share news of its core program areas, including Agvocacy Training and Technology Scholarships. “The AgChat mission really resonated …

Ag Groups, Agencies, Public Relations

Ag Media Convergence

Chuck Zimmerman

Media convergence is defined as: “phenomenon involving the interlocking of computing and information technology companies, telecommunications networks, and content providers from the publishing worlds of newspapers, magazines, music, radio, television, films, and entertainment software. Media convergence brings together the “three Cs”—computing, communications, and content.” Source: Encyclopedia Britannica We’re really seeing this in agricultural communications today. New media is not just …

Ag Groups, Media, Public Relations, Publication, Video

Public Relations Ducks Unlimited Style

Chuck Zimmerman

In ZimmCast number 250 learn how Ducks Unlimited does public relations. I can’t believe I’ve done 250 of these. The first posted version of the ZimmCast was January 31, 2005! I wish I could say it seems like only yesterday but it really doesn’t. Getting on to the topic of this week’s program, I recorded the presentation made by Tony …

ARC, Audio, Public Relations, ZimmCast

Developing The Brand

Amanda Nolz

Since I have returned to my family’s cattle operation, I’ve quickly been put in charge of all marketing efforts. For the fair, I developed a brochure about our business, as well as designed stall cards to display information about our cattle. My next task is improving our website (it’s in need of dire help), and starting up a newsletter for …

Advertising, Public Relations

Pitching Stories To Bloggers

Chuck Zimmerman

If you’re interested in learning something about pitching stories to bloggers you might want to participate in a today’s webinar that’s part of the Communicating Renewables Webinar series. There’s still time to register. All the information is posted below. Although our topic is energy, the things we’ll discuss are applicable to any industry. I’m one of the presenters. If you’ve …

Public Relations