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Crisis Management Coalition

Chuck Zimmerman

Peter Kerr has worked with a lot of people in agriculture and he found that many are not prepared for a crisis and can’t afford to hire a public relations firm to help them deal with one when it happens. So what he’s doing is bringing together farmers and agribusinesses in a coalition to “help each other out.” He has formed the Crisis Management Coalition. You join with a $100 monthly fee for which you receive a monthly newsletter, access to quarterly webinars and free assistance to create a crisis management plan and an hour’s no-charge consultation if a crisis should actually happen. He says members will pay about ten percent of what they’d pay a PR firm for ninety percent of the services they would receive.

Steve says that Dr. Pearse Lyons, Alltech, is one of the inspirations for the effort. I visited with Steve at the Alltech Symposium this week where he was signing up new members. Steve has been a communications consultant and was a speaker at last year’s Symposium. Peter Kerr Interview

2011 Alltech Symposium Photo Album

Agribusiness, Alltech, Audio, Public Relations