The first Ag Leader Technology Tech Meets Dirt Road Tour around Illinois is now history now and it seems like it was a big success. I attended the event near Peoria and was able to chat with presenters in each of the main focus areas – seed, water, and nutrient management. Matt Cannon, a farmer from central Iowa, talked about …
Regulating UAV Use
Concern about regulations for the commercial use of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV) by the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) was a big topic at last week’s 2014 Precision Aerial Ag Show (PAAS) in Decatur, Illinois. Attorney Brendan Schulman of Kramer Levin Law spoke at the event about his win against the FAA regarding a UAV flight for the filming of a …
AG UAVs in the Air
You especially like to have good weather when you’re holding an air show! In this case it’s the Precision Aerial Ag Show taking place at the Farm Progress Show site in Illinois. Check out the flight schedule that’s going on. I was really hoping to have a chance to attend this event. It has “AgNerd” written all over it. But …
InfoAg App
If you’re an agnerd and planning to attend the 2014 InfoAg Conference in July add the InfoAg App to your mobile device. The conference is only a few weeks from now and a reason to get the app before you go is so you can create your own “program” of workshops and presentations that you want to attend. The app …
Ag Leader Technology Meets Dirt in Illinois
Ag Leader Technology is out in the fields this summer bringing the latest precision technology to Illinois farms in the Technology Meets Dirt Road Tour. There have been two events so far but there are still three more scheduled in the next couple of weeks where you can learn how the latest technology can help you manage seed, fertilizer, water …
Wearable Technology for Agriculture – Google Glass
It’s time to get a ZimmGlass update. Actually, this is more of a wearable technology update that includes Google Glass. My guest this week is Bruce Rasa, TekWear, LLC. You might have met Bruce at our booth during the Agri-Marketing Conference or on a program somewhere demonstrating Google Glass. Bruce has been using Glass longer than I have and in …
iCropTrak Introduces 60 Second Soil Zoning
iCropTrak has released a new mobile farming app with the ability to create a new grower, a new farm, add CLU field boundaries, and soil zones in as little as 60 seconds on an iPad without the need of a desktop or cloud server. According to Cogent 3D president Aaron Hutchinson, this new application means that for the first time, …
RoboFlight Offers Affordable Ag UAVs
RoboFlight is a global company that deals in data acquisition including UAV platforms as well as full scale aircraft and satellite systems. Beyond the agricultural industry, RoboFlight also works in security, search and rescue, utilities, mining and insurance. Chuck interviewed Phil Ellerbroek, Global Director of Sales for RoboFlight, and he shared more about the company. RoboFlight acquired Aerial Precision Ag, …
Hortau Tweet Gets our Attention
As I said before, we were so busy at Commodity Classic even with four people we were unable to cover everything we wanted to cover, but one company did something that caught our attention and made us go out of our way to meet them. @Hortau Simplified Irrigation sent a tweet to @Agriblogger asking him to come by and do …
iCropTrak Soil with 1 Tap Entry for Serious AgNerds
AgNerd Alert! One tap data entry is important. Because as Aaron Hutchinson, President, Cogent3D, says, “Every click is money.” That’s part of the improvements in the latest release of iCropTrak. Aaron says the company has also created a new version of the product called iCropTrak Soil. This version provides a lower cost alternative for those who don’t need an advanced …