Mike Miller Was a Great Farm Broadcaster

Chuck Zimmerman

It’s with a great deal of sadness that I have to report that Mike Miller, a friend and award winning farm broadcaster has passed away. Many of you may remember Mike from his days in farm broadcasting. Just prior to moving to Missouri I even lived with Mike in Houston and commuted with him to work each day as we …


Lee McCoy Rides for Cancer

Chuck Zimmerman

This is Lee McCoy, Southeast AgNet, taking part once again in a ride for cancer research. I know that a lot of people in the AgWired audience know Lee and have supported him in his efforts. Hallelujah and Praise the Lord. You all did it. Thank you so much for your generosity. As I am writing this e-mail you have …


DTN Launches DTNAg.com

Chuck Zimmerman

This announcement came out earlier this week during NAMA. It looks like a very comprehensive DTN website. There’s even a section of blogs. Who would have ever thought that farmers would read blogs? It looks like DTN thinks so. DTN, the leading provider of real-time market, news and weather information services for agriculture, today announced the launch of DTNAg.com, an …

Internet, Media

Introducing the Ohio AgNet

Chuck Zimmerman

Bart Johnson and Dale Minyo have been hard at work creating a new agricultural media outlet in Ohio called the Ohio AgNet. Programming is scheduled to start tomorrow, April 9 on about 20 radio stations according to the pair when I interviewed them late last week. It sounds like some changes at Clear Channel Communications have led to new opportunities …

Audio, Media

Clyde Lear With a Mac

Chuck Zimmerman

This is too good a picture to pass up. Clyde Lear, Learfield Communications, with a Mac. Way to go Clyde. I can just see this happening. Clyde starts using the Mac, realizes it’s pretty cool and contacts Charlie in Learfield Engineering to discuss a company-wide conversion. Next stop is short Roger/Stan/Greg conference call to talk about how much sales revenues …


HAT’s Off To The Future

Chuck Zimmerman

It looks like Gary Truitt is getting involved in Indiana. The future of Indiana agriculture will be the focus of the Cultivating The New Economy conference on April 5 in Muncie. Hoosier Ag Today has partnered with the Eastern Indiana Regional Workforce Development Board in presenting this unique gathering of state and national leaders to examine the growth opportunities presented …


Journey Along With Andrew

Chuck Zimmerman

The award winning farm broadcasting farmer from Northwest Missouri, Andrew McCrea has a new CD out. It’s called “The Journey of Lewis and Clark, A guide to the Lewis and Clark expedition.” He’s also a story teller. History comes to life! Captivating and insightful, The Journey of Lewis and Clark goes on the trail, taking the route of the expedition. …


Some Ag Comm Annual Meetings

Chuck Zimmerman

Agricultural Relations Council: A Consumer-Driven Marketplace A look at the influences consumers have on the food and fiber industries – March 29-31, 2007. North American Agricultural Journalists: The annual NAAJ meeting will be April 15-17 in Washington, D.C. The conference hotel will be the Holiday Inn-Capital. Rooms are $223/night. We have a small block reserved, so budget now. The number …

ARC, Media, Public Relations

Charlene Finck VP of Editorial for Farm Journal Media

Chuck Zimmerman

I want to congratulate Charlene Finck for her new position as Vice President, Editorial for Farm Journal Media. She succeeds Sonja Hillgren, who passed away in December. In her new role, Finck will oversee editorial for all Farm Journal Media magazines and work closely with the editors of Farm Journal Media’s other outlets such as AgWeb, Pro Farmer, AgDay and …

Media, Publication

The BARN Owners Take Over ABN

Chuck Zimmerman

I thought I was finished posting for the day, but noooo . . . Lindsay Hill has to send me a major announcement. The BARN owners have acquired the ABN (Agri Broadcast Network) in Ohio. I’d say that the Buckeye agriblogging, farm podcasting broadcasters are doing very well! Congratulations Andy and Lindsay. Ohio’s longest-running farm radio network, the ABN (Agri …
