2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

First Golden Mic Awards Presented at NAMA

Cindy Zimmerman

In honor of ZimmComm’s 20th anniversary, we decided to recognize some of the people who have spent the most time talking into the Golden Microphone. Since we have somewhere in the neighborhood of 12,000 interviews from over the years, we narrowed it down to just NAMA members and we still had lots of candidates. Our judging criteria was based on …

Media, NAMA, ZimmComm Announcement

Meister Media Worldwide Announces CEAg World

Cindy Zimmerman

Meister Media Worldwide announces the launch of CEAg World, the new and innovative multi-media global business “Advancing Food Under Cover.” The new global brand will strive to represent all segments of crops grown in controlled environments, including greenhouses, hoop houses and high tunnels, operations using shading or netting, vertical farms, container farms, and more. The new CEAgWorld.com is the central …

Media, Meister Media, Produce, specialty crops, Sustainability

Passing of Cliff Becker

Cindy Zimmerman

The American Royal Association shared some very sad news today for those in the agricultural marketing community that Cliff Becker, Vice President of New Campus Development, passed away unexpectedly on Saturday, December 30th. Cliff Becker was a fourth-generation agriculturalist that always put his passion for food and food production into supporting his clients’ needs for over 39 years. Cliff’s prior …


Agricultural Communicators Network Regional Workshop

Chuck Zimmerman

I could not attend this workshop but would love to have been there. Thanks to social media I’m sharing a photo during one of the sessions. The Regional Workshop was held Monday, November 6 in St. Louis, MO, at the Donald Danforth Plant Science Center. If you were not able to attend feel free to suggest ideas for future workshops …

ACN, Media

2023 NAMA Fall Conference

Chuck Zimmerman

The 2023 NAMA Fall Conference is off to a great start with an ag tour of some very diversified farmers. You can find the schedule online. In our virtual ag newsroom on AgNewsWire you will find award winner remarks and interviews. 2023 NAMA Fall Conference Ag Tour Photo Album 2023 NAMA Fall Conference Photo Album

Agencies, Agribusiness, Media, NAMA

NAMA 2023 Professional Development Awards of Excellence

Chuck Zimmerman

The National Agri-Marketing Association (NAMA) is pleased to announce three marketing and agricultural leaders as winners of the 2023 Professional Development Awards of Excellence. The NAMA Professional Development Awards of Excellence honor members of the organization based on outstanding achievement in each of the Professional Development Areas. The awards will be presented in conjunction with the NAMA Fall Conference, October …

Ag Groups, Agencies, Agribusiness, Media, NAMA

Wyant Receives Communication Excellence Award

Cindy Zimmerman

Congratulations to Sara Wyant, president and CEO of Agri-Pulse Communications, who recently received the Rueben Brigham Award. The award is given by the Association of Communication Excellence (ACE) to a communicator who has made a major contribution in the field of agriculture, natural resources, or life and human sciences. The award is named after Reuben Brigham (1887-1946) who served as …

Agri-Pulse, Media

Livestock Publications Council Awards

Chuck Zimmerman

LPC’s Hall of Fame Award was Established in 1990, to honor distinguished livestock publishing leaders. Presenting the award to Diane Johnson is Molly Schoen, Charolais Journal. Diane Johnson, is no stranger the organization, having served more than 20 years as its executive director. During that time, she was a part of the development of the Ag Publications Summit which later …

Ag Media Summit, LPC, Media

Ag Communicators Network Awards

Chuck Zimmerman

Two former presidents of the Ag Communicators Network (ACN), have been named ACN’s Lifetime Achievement Award recipients for 2023. Presenting the awards is Cynthia Clanton, CHS, Inc. Greg Lamp and Karen McMahon were selected based on their outstanding leadership and professional and personal achievements, emphasizing contributions made toward improving the viability and value of the Ag Communicators Network. Lamp, a …

ACN, Ag Media Summit, Media

ZimmCast 716 – A New Podcast and New Presidents

Chuck Zimmerman

Hello and welcome to the ZimmCast. Cindy and I are getting a break from the agriblogging highway for a few weeks. We just completed a journey to Des Moines for Tech Hub Live, to San Destin, FL for the Southern Peanut Growers Conference and Palm Springs, CA for the Ag Media Summit. It has been a busy summer and I …

ACN, Ag Media Summit, Audio, LPC, Media, Podcasts, ZimmCast