Here’s a company with an interesting name. Although it’s now Ivy, the founder was I.V. Sollins who started the company back in 1972. I’ll bet you didn’t know that.
COWS Are Carbon Dioxide Emitters
I don’t know if you know Bob McCarty but he does have a sense of humor. In fact, Bob likes to share that sense of humor through some design work he’s done on a variety of subjects. He describes his online shop as the “home of creative, humorous and thought-provoking items.”
Proud of that Poultry
Here’s some big news for all you chicken lovers out there. Pilgrim’s Pride and Gold Kist have agreed to a merger. Now that’s a lot of poultry.
Water Buffalo Man
From ice cream to water buffalo milkman, he’s David Rachlin and he’s the new CEO of The Woodstock Water Buffalo Company.
PCVAD Awards
PCVAD is a whole lot easier to say than porcine circovirus associated disease don’t you think?
Sometimes it pays to go through your junk mail box to make sure that it’s only got junk in it. I did just now and found an announcement from
I can’t say that I’ve heard of them. It looks like you can choose between live auctions and auction markets around the country.
The Latest On NAIS
I’m not the only one on the road doing a little road agriblogging this week. Starting Tuesday, you’ll be seeing posts here from Cindy who will be attending the National Insitute for Animal Agriculture’s ID-Info Expo 2006. This is “A conference and trade show featuring the latest information on the National Animal Identification System, state projects and other identification and information systems technology.”
We Got Your DogEquine Products
I had to bring this to your attention just because of the name if for no other reason. DogEquine will certainly get your attention. I’ll let you create a mental picture before you read what it’s all about.