Julie Drendel Joins Staff of Jersey Journal

Laura McNamara

The official publication of the American Jersey Cattle Association and National All-Jersey Inc. welcomes a new member to its editorial staff. Julie Drendel is the new Assistant Editor for Jersey Journal, a 54-year-old publication specializing in the jersey cattle industry. “Because of her internship with Jersey Journal last summer and work on the Jersey Directory, our readers and advertisers know …

Beef, Dairy, Farming, Livestock, Publication

On the Air in the Hallway

Cindy Zimmerman

The Missouri Corn Growers Association held a seminar last week in conjunction with their annual meeting on “Profiting in the New Paradigm – Feed and Fuel Security.” The focus was on how corn growers and livestock producers can work together to produce ethanol and still feed cows and pigs and chickens at a reasonable price. One of the speakers was …

Corn, Ethanol, Livestock, NAFB

COWS Are Carbon Dioxide Emitters

Chuck Zimmerman

CO2WI don’t know if you know Bob McCarty but he does have a sense of humor. In fact, Bob likes to share that sense of humor through some design work he’s done on a variety of subjects. He describes his online shop as the “home of creative, humorous and thought-provoking items.”



Chuck Zimmerman

Live Auction TVSometimes it pays to go through your junk mail box to make sure that it’s only got junk in it. I did just now and found an announcement from LiveAuction.tv.

I can’t say that I’ve heard of them. It looks like you can choose between live auctions and auction markets around the country.


The Latest On NAIS

Chuck Zimmerman

National Insitute for Animal AgricultureI’m not the only one on the road doing a little road agriblogging this week. Starting Tuesday, you’ll be seeing posts here from Cindy who will be attending the National Insitute for Animal Agriculture’s ID-Info Expo 2006. This is “A conference and trade show featuring the latest information on the National Animal Identification System, state projects and other identification and information systems technology.”

Ag Groups, Livestock