RFA Ethanol Podcast

PCVAD Awards

Chuck Zimmerman

PCVAD AwardsPCVAD is a whole lot easier to say than porcine circovirus associated disease don’t you think?

Boehringer Ingelheim Vetmedica, Inc. announces the recipients of its inaugural research award program directed at porcine circovirus associated disease (PCVAD). The $75,000 PCVAD Research Awards will fund three research studies designed to improve the industry’s understanding and management of this devastating disease complex. The following 2006 award recipients and their research proposals were recognized at the Allen D. Leman Swine Conference in St. Paul, Minn.:

  • Darwin. L. Reicks, DVM, Swine Vet Center, St. Peter, Minn.; The effect of porcine circovirus type 2 (PCV2) vaccine on the prevalence of detection in serum, blood swab, and semen in adult boars.
  • Tanja Opriessnig, DVM, Iowa State University, Ames, Iowa; Comparison of different PCV2-antibody ELISA assays and detection of PCV2-specific antibodies after vaccination or after infection with distinct PCV2-isolates.
  • Tanja Opriessnig, DVM, Iowa State University, Ames, Iowa; Characterization and comparison of the immune response to PCV2 in pigs from different genetic origin.
  • Agribusiness, Livestock