Pork Producer Dedicated to Sharing Ag Story

Amanda Nolz

It’s certainly not news to anyone in the agriculture industry that livestock producers, especially pork producers, are hurting. According to the National Pork Producers Council, pork producers, who prior to the announcement of the H1N1 “outbreak” were already losing money, have seen losses accelerate to an average of $17.69 on each hog marketed since May 1, 2009. Total losses have …

Education, Environment, Livestock

Climate Change and Animal Agriculture

Cindy Zimmerman

UC-Davis Air Quality Extension Specialist Dr. Frank Mitloehner presented his views on animal agriculture and climate change during the World Ag Congress last week in St. Louis, and then followed up with a presentation on sustainability in livestock production during a roundtable presented by Novus International. Dr. Mitloehner talked about the United Nations report that claimed livestock produce more greenhouse …

Audio, Livestock, Novus International

All American Beef Battalion Raffle

Amanda Nolz

For some time now, I have served as a volunteer press secretary for the All American Beef Battalion. This organization works to provide steak feeds for troops fighting the global war on terror. Started by Vietnam veteran and cattle producer, Bill Broadie, this non-profit group has served thousands of individuals in its year of service. The goals of the AABB …

Farming, Livestock

More Global Warming Wacko-ism

Chuck Zimmerman

Let’s see, it seems like last year I heard that the greatest threat to the livestock industry wasn’t input costs, ethanol or market prices but wacko animal rights activists. Yeah. There are a lot of them and they sure seem to have lots of money behind them. The latest, besides the post I did this morning, is from LetsActNow.org. These …

Environment, Livestock, Wackos

Ft. Worth Stock Show & Rodeo

Chuck Zimmerman

This is rodeo action at its best. It’s the Ft. Worth Stock Show and Rodeo. I got checked in this afternoon in time for the matinee show. If I ever tried this I would wind up being a broken mess of bones. It sure provides a good opportunity to practice shooting photos in extreme conditions though. I got checked in …

Farm Shows, Livestock

Coaching the Novus Team

Cindy Zimmerman

The key to a winning baseball team is a good coach and if Novus International was a baseball team, executive vice president of marketing and sales Giovanni Gasperoni would be that coach. “Novus was born in 1991, so we celebrate our 18th anniversary this year,” Gio told me in an interview today. “When I came to the states in 1995, …

Audio, Livestock, Novus International, Pork, Poultry, Poultry Expo

NCBA Forms Young Producers’ Council

Chuck Zimmerman

The NCBA is forming a Young Producers’ Council. So I’m helping spread the word. They’ll be meeting in Phoenix at the convention coming up later this month. This is YOUR opportunity to make a difference by joining and helping to spread the word about the newly created NCBA Young Producers’ Council (YPC). YPC was created to encourage more involvement from …

Ag Groups, Livestock

Monsanto Talks Sustainability

Laura McNamara

The recent surge in profitability within the agriculture sector is giving farmers and ag companies a bit of room to breath. But, Monsanto says, just a bit. Michael Doane, Monsanto’s Sustainability Team Lead says that with profitability comes responsibility: a responsibility for the agricultural climate of the future. There are big questions, Michael says, that begged to be asked, and, …

Animal Health, Ethanol, Forestry, Horses, Livestock, NAFB, NAMA, Podcasts

Cow Ends Cause Problems

Chuck Zimmerman

Since we work with people and organizations that have differing views about biofuels I just thought I’d point something out. (This is because of a news release sent to me today by E – The Environmental Magazine. They’re “mental” all right. I won’t even put a link to them here for you. You can Google it.) While it seems like …

Livestock, Wackos