2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

Grassland Oregon Offers Pastures for Pollinators

Cindy Zimmerman

In response to the need to protect pollinators and support sustainable livestock farming, Grassland Oregon has introduced a new seed mixture called Pastures for Pollinators that will benefit bees, livestock and sustainable agriculture. Risa DeMasi, co-founder of Grassland Oregon and immediate past chairman of the American Seed Trade Association says proceeds from the sales of Pastures for Pollinators will be …

Audio, Bees, cover crops, Forage, Livestock, pollinators, Seed

Ag Groups & Ethanol Discuss Common Ground

Jamie Johansen

At the National Ethanol Conference, Renewable Fuels Association (RFA) president and CEO Bob Dinneen sat down with representatives from the corn and livestock industries to talk about the current state of the farm economy, the policy impact of historic surpluses, and moving past food versus fuel. Dinneen discussed common ground with National Corn Growers Association CEO Chris Novak and National …

Ag Groups, Audio, Corn, Ethanol, Livestock, NCGA, NPPC, RFA

#CattleCon17 is Here – Get the Scoop from NCBA CEO

Jamie Johansen

The 2017 Cattle Industry Convention & NCBA Trade Show is underway in Nashville, TN and we are set up to bring you updates on policy impacting the beef community and other hot topics cattlemen and women across the country need to know. My first conversation of the week was with the NCBA CEO, Kendall Fraizer, who shared highlights of #CattleCon17 …

Ag Groups, Audio, Beef, Cattle Industry Conference, Livestock, NCBA

USDA Announces New GIPSA Rules

Cindy Zimmerman

Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack yesterday announced updated regulations under the Grain Inspection, Packers and Stockyards Administration (GIPSA). The “Farmer Fair Practices Rules” outline “common sense protections to restore fairness and reduce the burden for farmers seeking justice under the Packers and Stockyards Act.” “For years, American farmers have been calling for protections against the most damaging unfair and deceptive practices …

Audio, Livestock, Poultry, USDA

Merck Animal Health Helps to #SpeakAg at #TransformFFA

Jamie Johansen

Merck Animal Health is a devout supporter of the National FFA Organization, which was evident throughout the 89th National FFA Convention with their sponsorship of the opening session, lanyards and presence in the expo. I caught up with Cameron Aguiar, national accounts manager, Merck, who said, “FFA is the future of America. We find value in educating kids on the …

Agribusiness, Animal Health, Audio, FFA, Livestock

JCB Talks Benefits of Telescopic Handlers

Lizzy Schultz

JCB made an appearance at the 2016 Ag Media Summit to discuss the company’s commitment to quality material-handling equipment, and Ray Bingley, Agriculture Product & Sales Manager for JCB, sat down with Chuck to talk about the company’s line of telescopic handlers that are increasingly replacing tractors with loaders to stack, lift, load, power attachments and move things around the …

Ag Groups, Ag Media Summit, Audio, Equipment, Farm Machinery, Livestock

LPC Elects New Leadership

Jamie Johansen

Livestock Publications Council (LPC) members gathered for the 2016 Ag Media Summit and one item of business was electing new leadership. Congratulations to new LCP president, Scarlett Hagins, and her new team. 2016-2017 LPC Officers: President – Scarlett Hagins, Kansas Stockman 1st Vice President – Cindy Cunningham, National Pork Board 2nd Vice President – Carey Brown, Cow Country Secretary-Treasurer – …

Ag Groups, Ag Media Summit, Livestock, LPC, Media, Publication

The Novus Commitment to Science + Sustainability

Jamie Johansen

Novus International strives to help feed the world affordable, wholesome food each and everyday. The center of that vision is sustainability. Definitions for the word throughout the agricultural community vary, but the results are the same. Novus defines sustainable as the endurance of systems and processes and along with the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) guidelines for sustainability reporting, they have …

Agribusiness, Animal Health, Audio, Livestock, Novus International, Nutrition, Sustainability

Novus International – Helping Feed Tomorrow for 25 Years

Jamie Johansen

A mission to “make a clear difference in sustainably meeting the growing global needs for nutrition and health” has lead Novus International to pledge commitment to customers and global stakeholders through a Triple-S Bottomline: solutions, service and sustainability. That commitment began 25 years ago and we helped their team celebrate last week at their headquarters in St. Charles, MO. Novus …

Agribusiness, Livestock, Novus International, Nutrition, Video

Zimmie the Zebra Looking for New Home at #NAMA16

Chuck Zimmerman

Meet Zimmie the Zebra. This rare pygmy zebra has been homeless for some time as habitat in her native land of Zambia has been disappearing. When I found out about this I called Brian Rund, Nufarm, because he and I had worked on a zebra home placement project during Potato Expo earlier this year. During that show we helped Chip, …

Animal Agriculture, Animal Health, Audio, Livestock, NAMA, Nufarm