New Agreement for John Deere and Ag Leader

Kelly Marshall

Ag Leader and Deere & Company have announced a licensing agreement for Precision Planting’s SeedTube and related planting products.  The agreement states that Ag Leader, a precision competitor, may use Deere technologies and licenses to manufacture and sell the Precision Planting SeedTubes and related technology, including vSet, vDrive and DeltaForce.  Of course, this is contingent on Deere’s acquisition of Precision …

Ag Leader, Agribusiness, John Deere, Precision Agriculture

Deere’s Nutrient Applicator Ready for Order

Kelly Marshall

About a year ago John Deere offered a sneak peek at their new F4365 High Capacity Nutrient Applicator and now it’s here!  Deere is officially taking orders for delivery this fall.  Chuck Zimmerman spoke with Doug Felter at the recent Reveal event in Iowa about this latest addition. The Applicator wasn’t thrown together overnight.  John Deere has pup a lot into …

Agribusiness, Equipment, John Deere

MaxEmerge 5e Rolling Out in 2017

Lizzy Schultz

John Deere is offering growers more consistent population control than ever before with the release of the MaxEmerge 5e set for the 2017 planting season. Ryan Hough, Product Marketing Manager, Planting and Seeding Operations, sat down with Chuck during the John Deere Product Reveal for Ag Media to discuss how the MaxEmerge offers growers precision technology that can help increase …

Ag Groups, Audio, Equipment, John Deere, Planting

New @JohnDeere Nozzles for 2018

Kelly Marshall

Lydia Thomas is a Product Manger for John Deere, and she’s just the person to talk to if you’re wanting information about John Deere’s new exact apply intelligent nozzle system. I caught up with her at the Farm Progress Show to hear how John Deere has brought a new approach to their traditional sprayer, adding industry exclusives that help growers …

Agribusiness, Audio, Equipment, John Deere

New Eight Row Folding Corn Head from Deere

Kelly Marshall

Brand new from John Deere is an option for an 8-row folding corn head.  The 608FC corn head can be used with group 6 and 7 S-Series combines, offering an easier solution for transporting on narrow roads.  It also eliminates the need for header trailers, tow vehicles and related manpower. “Harvesting with a new John Deere 8 row folding corn …

Agribusiness, Equipment, John Deere, Video

Iowa Home to New Ag Tech Accelerator

Joanna Schroeder

Iowa is the new home of a new startup business accelerator: Ag Tech Accelerator (The Accelerator). Four investors have provided funding for the initiative including DuPont Pioneer, Farmers Mutual Hail Insurance Company, John Deere and Peoples Company. Each company has committed to providing $100,000 for the first year. The Accelerator was announced by the Greater Des Moines Partnership and the …

Agribusiness, Audio, Farm Progress Show, International, John Deere, Pioneer, Precision Agriculture

StarFire 6000 Receiver Shines at #JDReveal

Cindy Zimmerman

Nearly 16 years ago, John Deere set the farming world aflame with the StarFire guidance system. This year, the company has taken satellite-based guidance to new heights with the introduction of the StarFire 6000 receiver and SF3 signal. “One of the biggest new features is a new differential correction signal called our SF3,” said Deere Product Marketing Manager Jerred Karnei, …

Audio, John Deere, Precision Agriculture

2016 John Deere Product Reveal #JDReveal

Chuck Zimmerman

John Deere is hosting agricultural media at their Des Moines Works facility in Ankeny, IA for a look at new products. Follow the #JDReveal hashtag to see their tweets. I’m going to be collecting interviews this afternoon after a plant tour and some class room time with product presenters. Welcoming us to the event today was Rosalind Fox, Factory Manager. …

Agribusiness, Audio, John Deere

John Deere’s MyAgCentral Solutions

Kelly Marshall

One year ago John Deere announced a partnership with DN2K to create a joint venture called Sage Insights. The result of that venture is MyAgCentral, and Pat Pinkston, VP of Technology and Information Solutions, took the time to tell AgWired a little more about the program at the recent InfoAg Conference in St. Louis, Missouri. MyAgCentral focuses on the needs …

Audio, Info Ag, John Deere

The @JohnDeere Customer Solutions Plan

Chuck Zimmerman

During this year’s InfoAg Conference I met John Teeple, Director, Technology – Precision Ag Solutions, John Deere. John covers a lot of territory with his position. I asked John how John Deere is working in the precision ag sector to help farmers become more efficient while planting, spraying and harvesting. He says they look at it from three angles. “John …

Agribusiness, Audio, Info Ag, John Deere, Precision Agriculture