2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

DWFI Podcast 41 – New Nebraska Nitrogen Recommendations for Irrigated Corn

Cindy Zimmerman

After years of dedicated work from many people and sectors, UNL has released new recommendations for nitrogen fertilization of irrigated corn. In this episode, Nebraska Water Extension Educator Crystal Powers talks to UNL professor of agronomy Richard Ferguson, who has been involved in the project from the start. Listen here or subscribe on your favorite podcast platform: 17:34 The Robert …

Audio, Corn, Irrigation, Nutrient Management, Podcasts, Water, Water for Food

DWFI Podcast 40 – Irrigation’s Role in Agricultural Productivity

Cindy Zimmerman

In the 40th episode of the Water for Food Podcast, Daugherty Water for Food Institute (DWFI) Director of Communications and Public Relations Frances Hayes sits down with Darren Siekman at the Valmont Industries headquarters in Omaha, Nebraska. Darren is the Vice President of Policy and Industry Strategy at Valley Agriculture, a Valmont Company. The two discuss Valmont’s history and global …

Agribusiness, AgWired Precision, Farming, Food, Irrigation, Water, Water for Food

DWFI Podcast 38 – Irrigation Impacts on Nutrition

Cindy Zimmerman

Irrigation expansion can provide the water necessary to increase food production for our growing world. It can also be a means for moving farmers from simply producing enough food for their families to generating more income through domestic markets or export of additional production. However, increasing use of irrigation can have varying impacts on the nutrition of the local communities …

Audio, Food, Irrigation, Nutrition, Water, Water for Food

Rivulis Opening New Micro Irrigation Manufacturing Facility

Cindy Zimmerman

Global irrigation leader Rivulis today announced the opening of the largest ever micro irrigation production facility in North America to increase production capacity to meet the expanding market while adhering to quality and sustainability measures across its supply chain. The 160,000-square-foot site in Tijuana, Mexico, was designed with the future in mind to not only meet today’s customer needs, but …

climate, Equipment, Irrigation

Cargill Partners with Goanna Ag On Precision Irrigation Project

Chuck Zimmerman

Cargill is partnering with Australian company Goanna Ag on a new pilot project focused on advancing irrigation efficiency on cotton fields in the Mississippi Delta. The project will introduce a state-of-the art technology that aims to transform how and when farmers water their fields, optimizing crop yields, reducing water withdrawals and lowering operational costs. The program is initially available to …

Agronomy, AgWired Precision, Irrigation, Precision Agriculture, Technology

DWFI Podcast 37 – Opportunities of Irrigation and Mechanization

Cindy Zimmerman

In November 2023, the Daugherty Water for Food Global Institute announced a new USAID Feed the Future Innovation Lab for Irrigation and Mechanization Systems (ILIMS). ILIMS enhances global food security by generating research-based solutions to support the growth of vibrant irrigation and mechanization markets; develops strong institutions and local capacity for their sustainability; and fosters opportunities for equitable access for …

Audio, Irrigation, Technology, Water, Water for Food

Rivulis Announces Josh Dixon as New CEO

Cindy Zimmerman

Global irrigation leader Rivulis has announced industry veteran Josh Dixon will become Chief Executive Officer (CEO) in September, replacing Richard Klapholz who has served as CEO for over a decade. With over 25 years of industrial experience, Dixon is a proven leader and strategist who has guided market-leading public and private companies through periods of rapid commercial growth and strategic …

Agribusiness, AgWired Precision, Irrigation, people, Precision Agriculture

Lindsay Announces Enhancement to FieldNET Advisor

Chuck Zimmerman

One of the exhibitors at the Modern Ag on the Mall in Washington, DC was Lindsay. I spoke with Gustavo Oberto, President, Global Irrigation. We started with why the company took part in this year’s event and what he hopes they accomplish. From there we focused on the new improvements in irrigation management so farmers can manage their water use. …

Agribusiness, Audio, Equipment, Irrigation

Netafim On The Mall

Chuck Zimmerman

This is the Netafim team that exhibited at the National Ag On The Mall event. I interviewed two of them, Aubrey Bettencourt, Global Director of Government Relations and External Affairs and Mike Bloomfield, Commercial Lead for Forage Crops, to get their thoughts on this event and what they hope to accomplish. Aubrey says the event provides them with a lot …

Agribusiness, Audio, Irrigation

Ag on the Mall Informs and Educates

Cindy Zimmerman

The Association of Equipment Manufacturing (AEM) is celebrating Modern Ag on the National Mall this week with a showcase of equipment, technology, information and education about the Future of Food and Farming. In addition to displays from over 25 equipment manufacturers and 30 organizations, there are panels each day on the main stage devoted to important topics related to agricultural …

AEM, AgWired Precision, Audio, Irrigation, Sustainability, Water