RFA Ethanol Podcast

RIP Dr. Harold Reetz, Precision Ag Pioneer

Cindy Zimmerman

We are saddened to report the passing of precision agriculture industry pioneer Dr. Harold Reetz on August 15. Reetz was a champion of technology and precision agriculture throughout his career, starting out in Extension in the Purdue University system in the 1970s. Reetz initiated the InfoAg Conference in the mid-1990s as a way of getting people together to build a …

AgWired Precision, Info Ag, obituariess, people, Precision Agriculture, Technology

Coming Soon from Farm Market iD

Cindy Zimmerman

With a database of over 2.4 million active operations, Farm Market iD is already the leading provider of farm and grower data to inform and improve agribusiness strategy, marketing and sales efforts. But the company is aiming to launch a new product soon for even more specialized data. “What we’re essentially doing is monitoring fields on behalf of our clients,” …

AgWired Precision, Audio, data, Info Ag, Marketing

InfoAg Featured Exhibitor – Iteris ClearAg

Cindy Zimmerman

As a global leader in applied informatics for transportation and agriculture, Iteris ClearAg is in the “e-intelligence business,” according to Joel Lipsitch, vice president of sales for the company’s Agriculture and Weather Analytics. “That means we bring data and analytics of weather and soil to help our customers understand how to manage those variables and optimize their business around those …

AgWired Precision, Audio, Info Ag, Precision Agriculture

InfoAg Featured Exhibitor – Farm Market iD

Cindy Zimmerman

In agriculture, like any business, the most up-to-date information provides the best competitive edge. That’s why Farm Market iD is applying their decades of data science to provide current in-season crop data, as well as reliable predictions for next year. “Basically what we are doing is using in-season, weekly imagery, and classifying what we see in the ground as the …

AgWired Precision, Audio, data, Info Ag, Precision Agriculture

ZimmCast 622 – Future of InfoAg Conference

Chuck Zimmerman

In this week’s program I speak with Quentin Rund, PAQ Interactive and Lara Moody, The Fertilizer Institute (TFI). Quentin has been involved with organizing and running the InfoAg Conference since it started in 1995. He talks about this year’s conference which is doing very well on attendance in spite of the challenging planting season the midwest has had. Lara talks …

Ag Groups, Audio, Conservation, Info Ag, Soil, ZimmCast

InfoAg Featured Exhibitor – EFC Systems

Cindy Zimmerman

For over 30 years, EFC Systems has delivered innovative software solutions throughout the entire agribusiness supply chain, and the company was on-hand at the InfoAg Conference this year to share their latest tips on “Improving Your Farmgate Conversations” and “Data Interoperability.” Jeremy Wilson just joined EFC Systems as Senior Vice President, Field Data Solutions, in February of this year. He …

AgWired Precision, Audio, data, Info Ag, Precision Agriculture

PrecisionAg Presents Excellence Awards

Cindy Zimmerman

The recipients of this year’s PrecisionAg® Awards of Excellence were honored at the 2019 InfoAg Conference in St. Louis on Tuesday. The awards recognize outstanding individuals who have demonstrated exceptional work in the use and adoption of precision agriculture technologies and practices. The 2019 award winners are: Crop Adviser/Entrepreneur Award – Brittany Ullrich, Winfield United. Educator/Researcher Award – Wesley Porter, …

AgWired Precision, Audio, Info Ag, Precision Agriculture

2018 InfoAg Conference Program Announced

Chuck Zimmerman

This show just keeps getting bigger and better. The 2018 InfoAg Conference has announced the preliminary schedule and early registration goes through July 1, 2018. This year the show dates are July 17-19 at Union Station in St. Louis, MO. Last year the conference had over 1,300 attendees. Since 1995, the InfoAg Conference has been the premier event for discussion …

AgWired Precision, Info Ag, Precision Agriculture

CropTrak Continues Steady Success

Cindy Zimmerman

In an industry where tech start-ups abound, CropTrak is a self-made success story in the precision ag space by simply selling a good product that people want to buy. The company started in 2009 and has just continued to grow year after year “with a little rinky dink booth at InfoAg” and little to no marketing, as VP of sales …

AgWired Precision, CropTrak, Info Ag, Precision Agriculture, software, Technology, Video

John Deere Works for Ag Retailers

Cindy Zimmerman

The ag retailers who supply products and services are the main point of contact between John Deere and the farmers who put them to work. “They’re the ones that really serve the customer at the local level,” said Chip Donahue, manager of business segment strategy for Deere. He and colleague Randy Kasperbauer, product manager for the API platform, gave a …

AgWired Precision, Audio, Info Ag, John Deere, Video