2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

Triazole Chemistry Sets Lucento Apart

Cindy Zimmerman

When FMC’s Lucento fungicide is approved for use later this year in corn, soybeans and peanuts, it will offer a new, effective tool for managing fungicide resistance. “The first thing that sets Lucento apart is the triazole part of that chemistry, that flutriafol,” said FMC Technical Service Manager Matt Wiggins during a recent field day in Sparks, Georgia. “You’re getting …

AgWired Precision, Audio, Corn, Crop Protection, FMC, Fungicide, Peanuts, Soybean

FMC Georgia Field Day Spotlights Lucento for Peanuts

Cindy Zimmerman

FMC Agricultural Solutions held a field day at its Sparks, GA research station last week, hosted by the FMC technical service team with a plot tour, presentations and certification training. In particular, the FMC technical service team showcased new Lucento™ fungicide for the 2019 season, pending EPA approval. The new fungicide, which is expected to be approved by the end …

AgWired Precision, Audio, FMC, Fungicide, Peanuts

3RIVE 3D Application Use Growing

Cindy Zimmerman

FMC has been working with the 3RIVE 3D application system since at least 2015 when it debuted at the National Farm Machinery Show and use of the at-plant crop protection delivery platform has just continued to grow with the development of Capture 3RIVE 3D. At the recent Ag Media Summit, FMC product development manager Brent Jacobson said they will soon …

Ag Media Summit, AgWired Precision, Audio, Crop Protection, FMC

ZimmCast 594 – Ag Media Summit Recap

Cindy Zimmerman

The 20th annual Ag Media Summit was held Aug 5-8, 2018 in Scottsdale, AZ. This year the Association for Communication Excellence (ACE) in Agriculture, Natural Resources and Life and Human Sciences joined the American Agricultural Editors’ Association, Livestock Publications Council and the Connectiv Agri-Media Committee. In this ZimmCast, we hear from outgoing AAEA president Julie Deering about how the industry …

ACN, Ag Media Summit, AMVAC, FMC, GROWMARK, John Deere

FMC Updates from 2018 Ag Media Summit

Cindy Zimmerman

FMC is one of the many companies and organizations that provide support for the Ag Media Summit making it more affordable for everyone to attend. They also participate in the Info Expo to meet with editors and share their latest news. FMC regional technical manager Gail Stratman (pictured left) was on hand to talk about fall weed control and the …

Ag Media Summit, AgWired Precision, Audio, Crop Protection, FMC

New FMC Fungicide for Peanuts Coming Soon

Cindy Zimmerman

FMC Agricultural Solutions joined the Southern Peanut Growers Conference family this year as a new sponsor. Regional sales rep Cindy Kurtz was pleased to attend the event and talk about what they have to offer peanut farmers, including a new fungicide with expected registration in 2019. “Lucento is going to be a fantastic product for peanut farmers in the southeast …

AgWired Precision, Audio, FMC, Fungicide, Peanuts, SPGC

Precision Ag Bytes 7/3

Carrie Muehling

Monsanto Company and Corteva Agriscience™, Agriculture Division of DowDuPont, announced the companies have reached an agreement on an expanded license for Roundup Ready 2 Xtend® technology for soybeans. Through this non-exclusive, royalty bearing license, Corteva Agriscience™ will offer U.S. and Canadian growers additional weed control flexibility through broader access to Roundup Ready 2 Xtend® technology across its North America seed …

AgWired Precision, FMC, Precision Ag Bytes

Precision Ag Bytes 6/27

Carrie Muehling

The Soil Health Partnership embarks on its fifth year of participating in dozens of field days across 12 states this summer and fall. For a list of field days and to register, visit www.soilhealthpartnership.org. The 14th International Conference on Precision Agriculture (ICPA) is wrapping up in Montreal, Quebec. The conference is presented by the International Society of Precision Agriculture. The …

AgWired Precision, AMVAC, FMC, Precision Ag Bytes, Soil Health Partnership, Verdesian

Insect Control in Cotton with Prevathon

Jamie Johansen

One of the new products creating buzz from FMC Corporation is Prevathon, which offers insect control in BT cotton. We were able to stop by the FMC booth at the 2018 Mid-South Farm & Gin Show to learn why cotton growers will want to take advantage of Prevathon this growing season. “Reseach has shown that at least one application of …

Agribusiness, AgWired Precision, Audio, Cotton, Farm & Gin Show, FMC

FMC Offers Season Long Disease Protection

Cindy Zimmerman

FMC ever-growing portfolio of products offers corn, soybean and wheat farmers season-long protection from the top disease threats. At Commodity Classic, FMC Technical Service Manager Matt Wiggins was talking about the three primary solutions they offer for diseases such as Northern corn leaf blight, grey leaf spot, frog-eye leaf spot, target spot, and white mold in soybeans, rust and head …

AgWired Precision, Audio, Commodity Classic, Corn, FMC, Fungicide