RFA Ethanol Podcast

Research Finds Propane Cuts GHG Emissions

Cindy Zimmerman

New research commissioned by the Propane Education & Research Council (PERC) finds that propane equipment cuts greenhouse gas emissions and reduces fuel costs. “A Comparative Analysis of Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Propane and Competing Energy Sources,” prepared by Nexight Group, studied 14 applications to compare emissions from propane-powered equipment with emissions from conventional energy sources such as gasoline, diesel, and …

Farming, Irrigation, PERC, Propane

FarmHer at Ag Day

Chuck Zimmerman

During last week’s Ag Day Activities in Washington, DC I met Marji Guyler-Alaniz, FarmHer, Inc. during the Celebration of Agriculture dinner. Earlier in the day Marji participated in a Google Hangout with USDA Deputy Secretary Krysta Harden and Dr. Linda Young, Chief Mathematical Statistician and Director of Research and Development of USDA’s National Agricultural Statistics Service. The discussion was about …

Ag Day, Farming

Mississippi State University Utilizes Drones

Taylor Truckey

Robert Moorehead, Director of Geosystems Research Institute and Northern Gulf Institutes at Mississippi State University, was at the 2015 Mid-South Farm & Gin Show to showcase the research being done on harnessing UAV technology on farm.. Moorehead had a chance to chat with Chuck Zimmerman about their use of UAVs and drones. Geosystems Research focuses on agriculture; they utilize UAV …

Audio, Farming, Technology, Uncategorized

BASF Invites Stakeholders to Discuss Food Future

Cindy Zimmerman

As part of activities to mark 150 years, BASF hosted a two-day “Creator Space” jamming event in Washington, D.C. last week to discuss the future of food. The event brought together more than 30 stakeholders from the entire food value chain including farmers, academics, food manufacturers and logistic companies to discuss long-term challenges and trends that may impact the food …

BASF, Farming, Food, Video

How BASF Innovation Specialists Help Farmers

Cindy Zimmerman

Nebraska farmer Scott Eaton and his BASF Innovation Specialist Jennifer Wood talked about some of the advantages to their partnership during the BASF Science Behind the Right Chemistry event last week in Phoenix. “We’re a pretty good team,” said Eaton. “We work to develop a plan and try to stick the best that we can to that plan.” What Eaton …

Audio, BASF, Commodity Classic, Corn, Farming

2014 Nebraska On-Farm Research Results

Jamie Johansen

The Nebraska On-Farm Research Network continues to grow and this year the program expanded to include three update meetings with over 250 in attendance. Growers and educators discussed results from over 75 on-farm research studies. A number of topics were covered: cover crops, foliar fungicides, growth promoters, harvest methods, seed treatments, foliar micro-nutrients, planting operations, corn and soybean planting populations, …

Ag Groups, Farming, Research

Culver’s Honors Farmers & Supports National FFA Week

Jamie Johansen

In celebration of FFA week, February 21-28, Culver’s created a Thank You Farmers video to recognize hardworking farmers across the U.S. For every view of this video on YouTube, Culver’s will donate $1 to the National FFA Organization. While we set aside this week each year to focus on farming and agriculture, Culver’s thanks farmers all year long in the …

Agribusiness, Farming, FFA, Video

The Changing Climate from CIRB

Jamie Johansen

Evelyn Browning-Gariss, The Browning Newsletter, is a historical climatologist who advices the masses about what the coming season will bring. She has spent over 30 years explaining the impact of changing climate on economic and social trends. During last week’s Crop Insurance & Reinsurance Bureau’s annual meeting, Evelyn talked to attendees about what they can expect from a changing climate. …

Ag Groups, Audio, CIRB, Farming, Insurance

20 Best College Farms in America

Jamie Johansen

Best College Reviews has published a ranking of the 20 Best College Farms in America. Best College Reviews is an editorially independent college review website focusing on college rankings, reviews of college features, and thought leadership on helping students find their place in the higher education landscape. I am excited to see a Missouri school on the list that is …

Ag Groups, Education, Farming