IPPE Show Goes On Despite Weather

Cindy Zimmerman

The International Production and Processing Expo (IPPE) carried on Wednesday in Atlanta, despite the few inches of snow that nearly paralyzed the city. Attendance was still pretty good today considering and with so many flights cancelled lots of people are actually staying longer for the show than they planned. “Our crowd has held up today in spite of very severe …

Ag Groups, Audio, Events, IPPE, Poultry, Poultry Expo

Farm Progress Show Will Reap International Exports

Jamie Johansen

The nation’s largest outdoor farm show, Farm Progress Show, has been selected to participate in the 2014 International Buyer Program (IBP). This year’s event takes place in Boone, IA, August 26-28. The IBP is an export program led by the U.S. Department of Commerce. It brings thousands of international buyers to the U.S. for business-to-business matchmaking with U.S. companies exhibiting …

Ag Groups, Agribusiness, Events, Exports, Farm Progress Show, Farm Shows

Where did you see the Golden Mic in 2013?

Cindy Zimmerman

Starting with the Beltwide Cotton Conferences in January and ending with the American Seed Trade Association CSS and Seed Expo, the ZimmComm golden microphone was seen at 73 different events in 19 states and 4 countries in 2013. We covered meetings about general ag, crop protection, equipment, machinery and precision ag; cattle, dairy, hogs, livestock, poultry and meat; cotton, corn, …


Celebrity Speaker Announced for AFBF Convention

Jamie Johansen

The “beardless brother,” Alan Robertson, will be the keynote speaker at the general session during the American Farm Bureau Federation’s 2014 Annual Convention, January 12-15 in San Antonio. Alan stars on A&E’s hit reality show “Duck Dynasty” and is the oldest son of Phil Roberson, founder of the Duck Commander Company, the family’s Louisianan-based duck call business. Before rejoining Duck …

AFBF, Ag Groups, Events

The Chicago Farmers Rebrands Farmland Fair

Cindy Zimmerman

The Chicago Farmers annual Farmland Investment Fair has been rebranded for 2014 as simply “The Farmland Fair” with a continued focus on the connection of social media and farmland investment. The Chicago Farmers 2014 Farmland Fair – “Where People Come To Learn, Connect and Understand Farmland” – will be held on February 1, 2014 from 8:00 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. …

Audio, Events, Farming, Video

Commodity Classic and AG CONNECT Expo Join

Cindy Zimmerman

The Association of Equipment Manufacturers, the National Corn Growers Association and the American Soybean Association today announced a new collaborative venture that joins two leading industry trade show experiences – Commodity Classic and AG CONNECT Expo & Summit – “to provide an even better world-class experience and gathering place for all segments of agriculture.” Commodity Classic is a joint venture …

AEM, Audio, Commodity Classic, Corn, Events, Soybean

What is Conservation Agriculture Worth?

Jamie Johansen

The Conservation Technology Information Center (CTIC) Dialogues are right around the corner. The panel discussion will focus on the economic and ecological benefits of agricultural conservation systems. Conservation tools, measurements for economic and ecological benefits, long-term economic returns and their effects on producers’ decision-making processes and conservation trends that will affect agriculture in the next five years are all topics …

Conservation, Environment, Events

Teen Restores John Deere Tractor for Charity

Cindy Zimmerman

About seven years ago, 16-year-old Austin Rhoda of Chenoa, Illinois was a leukemia patient at St. Jude’s Children’s Hospital in Memphis, TN. After several years of successful treatment, he decided to give back to that organization that helped him and his family so much by doing something he loves – restoring old tractors, selling raffle tickets and donating the proceeds …

Audio, Events, Farm Progress Show, John Deere, Tractor

Buenos Dias from Buenos Aires!

Cindy Zimmerman

Agriblogger and Farmpodcaster have arrived in Argentina to blog the 2013 International Federation of Agricultural Journalists (IFAJ) Congress! Not sure how many Americans are making the trip this year but it’s at least a couple dozen. There are 14 pictured in the photo below taken at Ag Media Summit, plus Chuck – and I know of at least 5 more …

ACN, Events, IFAJ, International, Novus International, Pioneer

McChrystal to Keynote AFBF Annual Convention

Talia Goes

Gen. Stan McChrystal, a retired four-star general and former commander of U.S. and international forces in Afghanistan, will deliver the keynote address at the American Farm Bureau Federation’s 2014 Annual Convention, Jan. 12-15, 2014, in San Antonio, Texas. More than 7,000 Farm Bureau members from across the nation are expected to gather in San Antonio for the 95th Annual Convention …

AFBF, Agribusiness, Events