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New Processes Create Opportunities in Biochemical Industry

Carrie Muehling

Companies like Dedert Corporation are watching technologies they’ve used in the petrochemical industry for years now being applied to the biochemical industry in exciting ways. The company provides thermal systems to the starch and ethanol industry, with a focus on drying solids and concentrating liquids. “For us, the most interesting thing is seeing what’s happening with in particular the bio-based …

AgWired Precision, Audio, Corn, CUTC, Ethanol

#CornTech18 Poster Contest Winners

Chuck Zimmerman

A graduate student from Iowa State University took home the top prize in the National Corn Growers Association’s Corn Utilization and Technology Conference 2018 Poster contest held in St. Louis, Mo. this week. Joseph P. Polin, from Iowa State University’s Department of Mechanical Engineering, received top honors in the Gary Lamie Student Poster Competition, sponsored by the Indiana Corn Marketing …

Corn, CUTC, NCGA, Technology, University

Filter Technology Key to Corn Milling Process

Carrie Muehling

The sifting and separation process is an important one when it comes to corn and wet milling. Sefar is a global company headquartered in Switzerland, whose specialty is precision weaving synthetic fabrics used in a variety of applications primarily for filtration, including in corn and wet milling plants. “We have a lot of partnerships and ongoing businesses with the corn …

Audio, Corn, CUTC

USDA’s BioPreferred Program Continues Growth

Carrie Muehling

USDA’s BioPreferred Program continues to grow as technology brings more and more new products to the market. “We’ve seen tremendous growth in our part of the supply chain. I’m here today exhibiting and sharing information and education and outreach about the BioPreferred Program,” said Kate Lewis, deputy program manager. Lewis exhibited at the Corn Utilization and Technology Conference in St. …


2018 CUTC is a Wrap

Cindy Zimmerman

The first Corn Utilization and Technology Conference was held 30 years ago. Since 1987, CUTC has brought together leading innovators to focus on new uses for corn with the goals of expanding markets and demand while improving quality and efficiency. National Corn Growers Association CEO Chris Novak says this year’s conference this week was another great success for the future …

AgWired Animal, AgWired Precision, Audio, Corn, CUTC, NCGA

Using Digital Agriculture to Enable a Reliable Supply Chain

Carrie Muehling

Technology is here to stay, and digital agriculture is helping farmers of all ages to better serve the processors and consumers they are supplying. “I think we sometimes discount how well some of the older generation actually uses the technology. I think some of the older generations have grasped the technology. They are utilizing it,” said Roger Theisen, business manager …

AgWired Precision, Audio, CUTC, Precision Agriculture

Ethanol and Trade Center Stage for NCGA

Cindy Zimmerman

National Corn Growers Association president Kevin Skunes of North Dakota says he expected to be focused mainly on the farm bill this year, but trade and ethanol have “taken a lot of oxygen out of the room.” During an interview at the Corn Utilization and Technology Conference (CUTC) this week, Skunes saiede they are disappointed that the House version of …

Audio, Corn, CUTC, NCGA

2018 CUTC Opens with Industry Panel

Chuck Zimmerman

The 2018 Corn Utilization & Technology Conference kicked off late yesterday with an industry panel and trade show reception. The panel discussion was very interactive with attendees, allowing for lots of questions and discussion on some very interesting topics. Here’s the list of folks on the panel: Welcome: Kevin Skunes, President, NCGA; Emcee: Chris Novak, CEO, NCGA; Panelists: Ron Cascone, …

Audio, Corn, CUTC, NCGA, Technology

Preview of the 2018 CUTC

Chuck Zimmerman

The 2018 Corn Utilization and Technology Conference is about to start in St. Louis, MO. This event is held every other year and features technical presentations on various topic related to corn and uses for corn. The theme this year is, “Increasing efficiency across the supply chain to enable new products.” On the CUTC Planning Committee as Co-Chair is Nathan …

AgWired Precision, Audio, Corn, CUTC, NCGA, Technology

CUTC Extends Poster Submission Deadline

Chuck Zimmerman

The Corn Utilization & Technology Conference (CUTC) just announced that the deadline for posters to be submitted has been extended to Friday, May 18, 2018. There are a number of categories that you can submit a poster to including: The professional category for both general and mycotoxin posters General session student posters Mycotoxin student posters The Poster session is a …

AgWired Animal, AgWired Precision, Corn, CUTC, NCGA, Technology