Nat Geo Editor Talks #FutureofFood at Animal Ag Event

Jamie Johansen

“Journey to the Extraordinary” was the theme for the 2015 Animal Agriculture Alliance Stakeholders Summit, held in Kansas City instead of the usual Washington DC venue. One of first speakers at the event was National Geographic’s Dennis Dimick who provided an in-depth look at how the magazine covers agricultural issues, particularly the 2014 “Future of Food” series. “We didn’t want …

Ag Groups, Animal Agriculture, Food

Farm Foundation Forum on Animal Antibiotics

John Davis

The next Farm Foundation Forum will discuss the issue of antibiotics in food animal production. The May 14th discussion will bring together industry experts from production agriculture, the pharmaceutical industry and regulatory agencies to explore the challenges of phasing out the use of antimicrobial drugs in food-producing animals. Farm Foundation President Neil Conklin will moderate the panel of experts in …

Ag Groups, Animal Agriculture, Farm Foundation

#NAMA15 Special Appearance – Derek Klingenberg

Chuck Zimmerman

Stories from the 2015 Agri-Marketing Conference continue as this week’s ZimmCast features a conversation by world famous farmer Derek Klingenberg. Derek made a surprise stage appearance during a general session as you can see from this photo. The only thing he told the audience was, “Shhh.” Then he sat down in his lawn chair and we watched his cattle serenade …

Animal Agriculture, Audio, Farming, NAMA, Social Media

Whistleblower Speaks Out Against HSUS

Chuck Zimmerman

It looks like the tables have been turned on animal liberation group Humane Society of the United States. A former undercover investigator for the extremist group is featured in a just released video by discussing gestation stalls or also called individual maternity pens (IMPs) which are used to house pregnant pigs. You can watch the video below. IMPs provide …

Animal Activists, Animal Agriculture, Video, Wackos

Novus Strives for Solutions, Service & Sustainability

Jamie Johansen

Novus International’s CEO, Francois Fraudeau, has been in the drivers seat about a year now and I caught up with him in their booth at the 2015 International Production & Processing Expo in Atlanta, GA. Looking into the future, Francois hit on some very important strategic goals for the company. “The strategy for Novus will be to keep investing in …

Agribusiness, Animal Agriculture, IPPE, Novus International, Nutrition, Poultry

USFRA Food Dialogues – Dairy Forum Live

Chuck Zimmerman

The first Food Dialogues event of 2015 in live right now. The focus is on “Animal Care and Consumers’ Emerging Expectations.” It is being held in Florida in conjunction with the International Dairy Foods Association meeting taking place there. The event is also sponsored by the U.S. Farmers & Ranchers Alliance. The Food Dialogues panel of food industry and animal …

Ag Groups, Animal Agriculture, Animal Health, Food, USFRA

Sustainable Nutrition Solutions from Novus

Jamie Johansen

The International Production & Processing Expo (IPPE) is well underway and the Novus International team was out in full force to share key elements in their sustainable nutrition solutions for the animal protein industry. I spoke with Ed Galo, Managing Director for Novus in North America, and he said that beyond presenting their sustainable nutrition solutions to customers they were …

Agribusiness, Animal Agriculture, IPPE, Novus International, Nutrition, Sustainability

Meet the New USFRA Faces: Carla Wardin

John Davis

Earlier this month, we told you about the U.S. Farmers & Ranchers Alliance (USFRA®) announcing the winners of its second class of the Faces of Farming and Ranching program. Now, we’d like you to meet each of the five selectees, starting with Carla Wardin of Michigan, who along with her husband Kris, both sixth-generation farmers, are the sole owners of …

Ag Groups, Animal Agriculture, Audio, Dairy, USFRA

Animal Welfare Panel at LPC Vision Event

Chuck Zimmerman

The inaugural Livestock Publications Council “Vision, and industry celebration” event, held in Kansas City, MO, featured a panel discussion. The topic was “Animal welfare in today’s world of agriculture.” As you might guess, animal activist, rights and welfare continue to be a hot topic of discussion in the industry. The panel was moderated by Mike Adams, AgriTalk, and panelists were …

Animal Activists, Animal Agriculture, Audio, LPC, Media

Next USFRA Dialogues to Feature CAST Winner

Cindy Zimmerman

The Council for Agricultural Science and Technology (CAST) is presenting the Borlaug CAST Communication Award this year to Dr. Alison Van Eenennaam, an Animal Genomics and Biotechnology Cooperative Extension Specialist in the Department of Animal Science at the University of California-Davis. The award recognizes individuals who are actively excelling in communication of agricultural science and technology. She will receive the …

Animal Agriculture, Animal Health, USFRA, World Food Prize