China reopened its borders to United States beef in 2017, but that historic decision sparked both challenges and opportunities for American beef producers, according to Ian Lahiffe, Lead of Operations, Allflex Livestock Intelligence. Lahiffe said beef consumption has almost doubled in China over the past 10-15 years, but Chinese consumers are accustomed to grass-fed beef primarily from Brazil or Australia …
Four Alltech Global Accelerator Internal Startups
Eight Pearse Lyons Accelerator startup companies were introduced at the recent ONE Ideas Conference, including four that are internal to Alltech. Rebecca Noble works in Alltech’s business development for crop science division. She describes Adentro as a crop protection brand of the future, using new science and new research. The name of the company translates to “inside” or “within.” Noble …
Four Alltech Global Accelerator External Startups
In its second year of existence, The Pearse Lyons Accelerator is adding eight new agriculture startups, featured at this year’s ONE: The Alltech Ideas Conference. Four internal and four external companies make up this year’s participants. Israel-based eggXYt provides technology that allows hatcheries and chicken breeders to detect the gender of chicken embryos. The goal is to stop the unnecessary …
Alltech Young Scientist Award Winners at #ONE18
The winners of the Alltech Young Scientist (AYS) program were announced on day two of #ONE18. Each of them were presented with their award by Alltech’s Dr. Karl Dawson on stage during the general session here at The Alltech Ideas Conference. “We reviewed projects representing 86 universities,” said Dr. Karl Dawson, vice president and chief scientific officer at Alltech. “These …
Alltech Honors Company Founder’s Legacy
For the first time in the history of the Alltech annual conference, the company bestowed a double award recognizing Alltech’s founder, Dr. Pearse Lyons. The extraordinary entrepreneur recently passed away and the ONE 18, Alltech Ideas Conference has provided an opportunity to celebrate his life and achievements. Dr. Mark Lyons, Alltech President and his mother Deirdre Lyons, accepted the awards. …
USDA’s Northey Kicks Off Alltech ONE18
After the opening entertainment, USDA Under Secretary Bill Northey was first to take the stage Monday morning at ONE: The Alltech Ideas Conference 2018 in Lexington, Kentucky. He was just discussing the issue of agricultural trade with China when President Trump tweeted “China has agreed to buy massive amounts of ADDITIONAL Farm/Agricultural Products – would be one of the best …
Alltech ONE 18 – the Disruption Continues
ONE: The Alltech Ideas Conference 2018 kicked off Sunday night with the traditional international dinner, but the real work starts this morning and Alltech Vice President Aidan Connolly says they will be focusing on ideas that are disrupting the industry. “Some things you might not think about so much include 3-D printing, we are starting to see that more and …
ONE: The Alltech Ideas Conference 2018
The transformative power of ideas is the focus of ONE: The Alltech Ideas Conference 2018, May 20–22, in Lexington, Kentucky An idea, even in its root meaning, is “to see.” Da Vinci, Einstein, Edison, the Wright brothers, Tesla, Bell, Borlaug and Fleming — they had the ability to see what others could not. Because they opened their eyes to possibilities …
A KEENAN InTouch Testimonial
Moloney Dairy in Borris, County Carlow, Ireland was one stop during the Alltech KEENAN Great Green Getaway. Mark Moloney, KEENAN Southeast Ireland InTouch Feeding Specialist, opened his family farm to our U.S. group to share how the recent adoption of the KEENAN InTouch system has yielded quick results. They not only opened their farmgate but their actually home. Gail-force winds …
The KEENAN, Farmer Relationship
Paul McVeigh, KEENAN feeding specialist who covers the Midlands and West Ireland, is in the relationship business. He travels his territory in Ireland getting to know the farmers which enables him to implement a plan of action for complete optimization of KEENAN In-Touch. I was able to learn more about KEENAN Systems on the farm during the Alltech KEENAN Great …